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Last Police Red Alert In Westchester?

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Prior to Sunday night's New Rochelle mess, when was the last police red alert in Westchester? I recall other minor calls for police mutual aid, but never recall such a massive one like this Sunday night....and I hope it never, ever happens again...and I am glad everybody got a handle on it before it got much worse.


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Playland Riot, 4 years ago I believe. It was JULY 4th and they ran out of buses and crowd got out of control. The next year the County Police were more than prepared in the event of a repeat.

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I heard that this was the first time a Red Alert was transmitted via the county Hot-Line.

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What a coincidence that the last red alert was from Playland involving buses which were likely from Fordham Road. That was the major train stop for the New Roc perps !!

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There are blue, yellow and red alerts, each calling for an additional county zone to be called. Playland was a yellow, I believe, not a red.

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The playland situation may have been prior to "red alert"...I believe that the mutual aid system was updated in the past 2-3 years to have color coded alerts within zones. Before that it was more like; can you help us?

I know that Yonkers falls under zone "b"...however everytime they transmit drill alerts and such I have to go find the book cause it ain't used all that often. Also fittingly is that Yonkers is zone "b", yeah zone "14b"! Which is one of our ten codes for all those that know it...get it!

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14B - Koo Koo for Cocoa Puffs! tongue.gif

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And thanks to FAC911...

When you arrive at an edp call and they are no longer there, 10-8, 14 banana split!

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They used the alert system for the train wreck with the truck in Bedford Hills like 2 yrs ago.

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The Playland situation was NOT a red alert there was no such thing back then

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  Oswegowind said:
Playland Riot, 4 years ago I believe.  It was JULY 4th and they ran out of buses and crowd got out of control.  The next year the County Police were more than prepared in the event of a repeat.

There wasn't a riot at Playland 4 years ago.....and "they" did not run out of buses.

There were 4 disorderly Playland patrons who disobeyed a lawful police order. There was an error in transmitting the request for police assistance.

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  dadbo46 said:
There wasn't a riot at Playland 4 years ago.....and "they" did not run out of buses.

There were 4 disorderly Playland patrons who disobeyed a lawful police order.  There was an error in transmitting the request for police assistance.

I believe you are mistaken sir, there was no error in transmission. It might not have been a "Red Alert," but it definately was a "Signal 5."

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Can anyone advise on what County Units responded and what other local jurisdictions did respond to Playland, just to clarify. My understanding was that there were more than 4 people upset that day when either there were no more buses or they did not make it to the bus stop in time. Either way I do believe mutual aid was called. As well, it was not just the usual mutual aid granted to the County on a routine basis like on traffic stops where another jurisdiction just backs them up. And, as I said before that this was prior to the color coded, zoned mutual aid plan.

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  Oswegowind said:
And thanks to FAC911...

When you arrive at an edp call and they are no longer there, 10-8, 14 banana split!


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I'm not sure how many units responded. But as far as County PD goes (especially with their civilian SPR's) when a signal 5 is called, the calvary comes running. Port Chester, Rye, Harrison, New Rochelle had all sent units to quell the uprising.

Every year on the 4th of July the $h|t hits the fan come closing time. After the fireworks show, the patrons are all moved to their vehicles or their busses. There is never enough busses, or room on the available busses. No one wants to wait in line, its hot, humid, everyone is exhausted, and then it happens.

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Didn't Mount Pleasant PD request a red alert during the tornado last year?

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Excellent Question...I was working on YPD 2 and had the hotline but I don't remember if it was a red alert or a yellow alert (?) and for just that zone (?)

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  Remember585 said:
Didn't Mount Pleasant PD request a red alert during the tornado last year?

Mt Pleasant made a single zone request - "blue alert" if memory serves. I hate the color codes!

This was the first "red alert" that I'm aware of since the inception of the new mutual aid plan a couple of years ago...

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can someone possibly in detail explain what ur talking about? cause all I see are "code red" "code blue" code.....i want to know what happend to start this thread about the "codes" was there a big fight w/ lots of guys w/ guns? (police assistance required?)

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  mlfcemt093 said:
can someone possibly in detail explain what ur talking about? cause all I see are "code red" "code blue" code.....i want to know what happend to start this thread about the "codes" was there a big fight w/ lots of guys w/ guns? (police assistance required?)

See incident alert and incident workshop threads on New Rochelle Riot Easter Sunday @ New Roc City. We in turn are speaking about the Westchester County Police Mutual Aid plan which is broken down into zones and the response codes are color coded with depts pre-arranged manpower response.

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  Bababoosky said:
I believe you are mistaken sir, there was no error in transmission.  It might not have been a "Red Alert," but it definately was a "Signal 5."

  Bababoosky said:
I'm not sure how many units responded.  But as far as County PD goes (especially with their civilian SPR's) when a signal 5 is called, the calvary comes running.  Port Chester, Rye, Harrison, New Rochelle had all sent units to quell the uprising.

Every year on the 4th of July the $h|t hits the fan come closing time.  After the fireworks show, the patrons are all moved to their vehicles or their busses.  There is never enough busses, or room on the available busses.  No one wants to wait in line, its hot, humid, everyone is exhausted, and then it happens.

Take it from someone who knows and is in the know, your information is incorrect. We'll just leave it at that and move on to better things.

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  dadbo46 said:
Take it from someone who knows and is in the know, your information is incorrect.  We'll just leave it at that and move on to better things.

Well I was there, working, I know what went down. You can believe what you want

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I believe there were (2) incidents at Playland on (2) 4th of July's- one had a Signal 5 type response and one had a larger mobilization. It may have been two consecutive years or twice out of three. One incident may have been in 2003.

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Truck 4 you are correct two seperate incidents two consecutive years at playland where mutual aid was needed

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I have lived next to playland all my life and I can tell you that during 4th of July 2004 and 2005 there was a large disturbance. My cousin who is a cop in WP and was working the 4th in '05 that night and said they had ESU and 3 cars loaded up responding He stated that was a code Yellow. Also back in the early 90's not sure of the exact years but they had problems back then and it brought everyone in. Thats when they had buses from Fordham, MV making stops their. After the early 90's they stopped having those bus routes come to Playland. Someone told me that was a code blue back then but I know a lot of cop cars flying down into playland.

Hope that helps a little

Edited by 25truck26

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The incorrect response!

  dadbo46 said:
Take it from someone who knows and is in the know, your information is incorrect.  We'll just leave it at that and move on to better things.

The one who actually knows!

  Mofire24 said:
Truck 4 you are correct two seperate incidents two consecutive years at playland where mutual aid was needed

And thank you to someone who is actually in the KNOW! and not just guessing for clearing this up...Mofire24 is probably one of the experts on this subject...and Chris192 of course!

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  Oswegowind said:
See incident alert and incident workshop threads on New Rochelle Riot Easter Sunday @ New Roc City.  We in turn are speaking about the Westchester County Police Mutual Aid plan which is broken down into zones and the response codes are color coded with depts pre-arranged manpower response.

Thanks for clearing that up tongue.gif

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In 2003, a hotline was issued with a "blue" request for Playland. This was due to a miscommunication between playland and communications. The original request was for additional cars from patrol and Rye not a county-wide response. (aka... somebody over-reacted and pushed the big red button). This was the first time that the "new" (at the time) mutual aid plan was activated.

I am pretty sure that even then there was a 3 tiered mutual aid response plan (blue, yellow, red). I can assure you that the "Red" request by New Rochelle was the 1st one in the county.

Edited by khas143

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