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Taking advantage of EMS personnel

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An unnamed EMS Company that has had some problems lately pulls a huge %$@& you to its employees. This unnamed company decided to take advantage of its employees need to pay there bills by eliminating overtime pay. That might seem ok but this company needs to fill slots so they are paying a bunch of employees straight time for over time hours. Illegal yes (unless exempt), immoral yes, but this company doesn't care about their employees just on how their numbers look at the end of the week. Lets face it, in EMS we rely on overtime or working two jobs. These employees need to survive so they have no choice but to work on straight time. I cant beleive a company would take advantage of the people that work for them like this. I hope it comes back to bite them because this is a huge disgrace. mad.gif

Edited by paratrooper75

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  paratrooper75 said:
An unnamed EMS Company that has had some problems lately pulls a huge        %$@& you to its employees. This unnamed company decided to take advantage of its employees need to pay there bills by eliminating overtime pay. That might seem ok but this company needs to fill slots so they are paying a bunch of employees straight time for over time hours. Illegal no, immoral yes, but this company doesn't care about their employees just on how their numbers look at the end of the week. Lets face it, in EMS we rely on overtime or working two jobs. These employees need to survive so they have no choice but to work on straight time. I cant beleive a company would take advantage of the people that work for them like this. I hope it comes back to bite them because this is a huge disgrace. mad.gif

How is that not illegal? I thought the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) said that time in excess of 40 hours in a week would be compensated at time and one-half?

If this is the agency that I'm thinking of, I'm not surprised at all!

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  Chris192 said:
How is that not illegal?  I thought the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) said that time in excess of 40 hours in a week would be compensated at time and one-half?

If this is the agency that I'm thinking of, I'm not surprised at all!

I thought it was illegal too but I talked to someone that said as long as its not in a contract like a union they don't have to pay time and a half. If this is wrong someone please let me know.

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no... that's illegal.

Overtime Pay: At least 1½ times an employee's regular rate of pay for all hours worked over 40 in a workweek.

ENFORCEMENT: The Department of Labor may recover back wages, either administratively or through court action, for the employees that have been underpaid in violation of the law. Violations may result in civil or criminal action.

Fines of up to $11,000 per violation may be assessed against employers who violate the child labor provisions of the law and up to $1,100 per violation against employers who willfully or repeatedly violate the minimum wage or overtime pay provisions. This law prohibits discriminating against or discharging workers who file a complaint or participate in any proceedings under the Act.

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I don't know what company you are speaking of but I hope this is just a misunderstanding. I can't imagine doing this to people.

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There must be exceptions, no? Many 24/48's could led to three 24 tours in a week, and I am familiar with other Civil Service systems with 12 hour tours that lead to 48 hours on alternating weeks that do not lead to overtime after 40 hours.

Edited by INIT915

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How stupid can people get???? WHERE IS THE COMMON SENSE OF OVERTIME PAY??????????


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  Medibart said:
I don't know what company you are speaking of but I hope this is just a misunderstanding.  I can't imagine doing this to people.

Is EMS exempt? This is definitely not an misunderstanding.

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And I bet the name of this company has been trown around in different topics lately.

If this is true go to the dept. of labor with proof and don't go alone (strength in numbers.) Also start looking for another job, if they can't pay o/t they will start cutting jobs and dumping calls on someone else.

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  INIT915 said:
There must be exceptions, no? Many 24/48's could led to three 24 tours in a week, and I am familiar with other Civil Service systems with 12 hour tours that lead to 48 hours on alternating weeks that do not lead to overtime after 40 hours.

There are exceptions to the law for certain personnel but as I understand it - and I strongly recommend verifying this for yourself - contracts can be written to permit equalizing overtime over a pay period or contract period to allow for schedules like that. However, if you work more than the scheduled number of hours or shifts in a week, you're entitled to OT 1.5 pay.

If you're affected, contact the DOL and a good attorney ASAP to protect yourself and your interests. Historically if an EMS agency is taking actions like this now, it may get worse and the straight time pay may not be there when you expect it! Protect yourself and your families!!!

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There are certain circumstances under FSLA that this can occur, particulary with the fire service, however I do believe that it involves your total hours for the year and there is a certain cut off at when it is time and a half. You need to call the Department of Labor immediately!

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What ALS said. If your agency has contracted a work week that is different from the traditional 40 wks you should be eligible for over time once you exceed that established work week. Even if you straight time is less than 40 hours a week you should be eligible for time and a half.

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I vaguely remember this happenning at CMT/Hudson Valley Amb....just before I jumped into an escape boat and began at Empress EMS.

Interesting...wonder who this just might be!

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sure... of course there's an exception.

If you are a SALARIED EMPLOYEE then you're considered an exempt employee. AKA you can work 90 hours in a week and still make the same amount of your base salary without overtime.

If you are an HOURLY EMPLOYEE then you're non-exempt and they MUST pay you overtime for every hr over 40hrs.

I also don't think I've ever heard of a civil service job being hourly... so they can work you to death and still pay you the same ugly penny

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  mikeinet said:
sure... of course there's an exception.

If you are a SALARIED EMPLOYEE then you're considered an exempt employee. AKA you can work 90 hours in a week and still make the same amount of your base salary without overtime.

Thats where you have to know your contract. Unless you're management and get to have some control over your schedule you'd better make sure you get paid when your employer is going to punk you for another 10 hrs a week

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In case you missed it....TIME TO GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Knowing how the company in question operates, it's no surprise they are violating the law. The only thing to say is that anyone thinking they can turn a profit in 911 EMS needs their head examined.

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  66Alpha1 said:
Knowing how the company in question operates, it's no surprise they are violating the law. The only thing to say is that anyone thinking they can turn a profit in 911 EMS needs their head examined.

What City is this company based out of????

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I feel bad for the people who work there. I have a feeling pretty soon this company will be heading to the "Defunct Agencies" thread.

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No what the worst part is there are providers whom work there that will still take the extra shifts at straight time. Sometimes not because they want to, but because they have no other choice with some of the salaries out there today still.

I saw your I'm gonna figure I know what company from the other hints. If they got paid based on mileage driven lights and sirens, needlessly they'd all be rich. Or the dust left behind from the units pulling out of a dutchess town? Should a certain county perhaps start planning a contingency in the event there is an exodus there as well? Am I getting close here?

If someone from that company, who posted this, reads this or whatever doesn't call the department of labor you're part of the problem.

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I agree - all you need to do is place one phone call to the DOL and they'll do the rest for you... submit proof you're not getting your OT and they will most definetly do the dirty work for you. And also keep you annonymous! It's a win win situation... they're doing something illegal, no reason why you should be forced to live with it. DOL will also help recover lost income too.

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  alsfirefighter said:
No what the worst part is there are providers whom work there that will still take the extra shifts at straight time.  Sometimes not because they want to, but because they have no other choice with some of the salaries out there today still.

I saw your I'm gonna figure I know what company from the other hints.  If they got paid based on mileage driven lights and sirens, needlessly they'd all be rich.  Or the dust left behind from the units pulling out of a dutchess town?  Should a certain county perhaps start planning a contingency in the event there is an exodus there as well?  Am I getting close here?

If someone from that company, who posted this, reads this or whatever doesn't call the department of labor you're part of the problem.

I could use a side job....know a few other guys that would be interested in helping get the program up and running as well as looking for a place to finish out their careers. Would be good for a lot of people, workers and patients. There won't be a shortage of qualified, experienced, bilingual laugh.gif emts and medics signing on if it went county job way like it should have 2 years ago. Especially one of my good friends from Lake Carmel...just what he is looking for (RU911???)

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Don't hold your breath, well both be old and gray before it's ever becomes municipal.

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OK... lets stop pussy-footing around here!

What's the name of the agency?! Just come out and say it!

They're screwing you over, the EMS community at large should know who's behind it!

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The other question that has to be asked...

Are they posting these extra shifts to be signed up for at straight time?

I believe that is legit to that being you are "voluntarily" taking the assignment.

If they are holding you over and doing that...I would flip, but again OT also only pertains to full time employees in most businesses/occupations.

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They hold you Mandorty OVERTIME every shift for max of 3 hrs which always lead to more cause they send you to the middle of nowhere on a ALS JOB and they send a BLS CREW because there passion is money!!!!!! and not PT CARE WHAT IS WRONG WITH PEOPLE WE BECAME EMTS/MEDIC TO HELP PEOPLE NOT TO TURN AROUND AND GIVE THEM BLS WHEN NEED ALS AND THEY SAY JUST GET THERE FAST EVERYTHING WILL BE FINE. or the change your PCR so they can get more money.(-SOB they change it to 10 lpm o2 non rebeather) so they can bill more i seen that happen once before with my PCR i was not HAPPY TO SAY

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Somebody at that ****** should come here and ******* what exactly is going on with that ****** service instead of speculations and rumors.


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I second 585's *** motion! Like to hear management's side of the story.

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  irishfire2491 said:
They hold you Mandorty OVERTIME every shift for max of 3 hrs which always lead to more cause they send you to the middle of nowhere on a ALS JOB and they send a BLS CREW because there passion is money!!!!!! and not PT CARE WHAT IS WRONG WITH PEOPLE WE BECAME EMTS/MEDIC TO HELP PEOPLE NOT TO TURN AROUND AND GIVE THEM BLS WHEN NEED ALS AND THEY SAY JUST GET THERE FAST EVERYTHING WILL BE FINE. or the change your PCR so they can get more money.(-SOB they change it to 10 lpm o2 non rebeather) so they can bill more i seen that happen once before with my PCR i was not HAPPY TO SAY

That sounds like falsification of an official document. Ought to be a law against that if there isn't already~!

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