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Guest partyrock

Bronx- Pursuit 3-29-07

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Date: 3/30/07

Time: Approx. 1530 hrs

Location: Bronx River Pkwy @ Pelham Pkwy


Units Operating: NYPD, FDNY, FDNY*EMS

Description Of Incident:

A man was abducted in New Rochelle earlier today and taken to a home on City Island. A passer-by saw the suspects exiting the city island home and reported a gunpoint robbery to 911. Suspects were spotted in green chevy SUV by NYPD and chase ensued. Multiple NYPD collsion on Bronx Park E @ Allerton Av. Pursuit continued South to Pelham Parkway and onto Bronx River Pkwy N. Suspects forced off the road and placed in custody. One gun found on Bronx Park E, two found in vehicle, and $68,000 found in possesion of suspects.

6 MOS and 2 civilians transported to Jacobi w/ all suspects under.

Writer: Partyrock

Updated 3/31

Edited by partyrock

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