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Pound Ridge, NY

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Another picture from the 1999 Banksville parade. This truck has a few thousand feet of hose in the back, the truck seems to be a water source finder being all wheel drive.


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AHH 5000 feet of 5"!!!! kuddo's to those that have to re-pack all of it and might I add a very good looking pack in the picture. But yeah, keep that hose far away from me!

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Is that a custom made 2" trailer-hitch mount for the manifold? Never seen that in any catalog... pretty clever.

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I have had the pleasure of participating with puund ridge at their live fire training run by Capt Morris Res. 1. I learned a lot and had a ton of fun working with a lot of guys. They also have a great system in place to pack that 5000' of 5" I tell you it was not bad at all.

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The first time I had to pack that much 5" I would be respectfully submitting my resignation and wish the boys my best. Damn do I love having hydrants everywhere. Any details on this packing system?

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  partyrock said:
Any details on this packing system?

They are called Probies! biggrin.gifbiggrin.gifbiggrin.gifbiggrin.gif

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it really isn't that bad to pack it all up. my department has over 4700 feet on 1 rig with another 2000 on another, with another 2000 coming on soon. you get used to packing it. also it is a team effort, everyone works together to pack the hose and it goes quickly. the hardest part is trying to make it look nice. all you hydrant guys are very spoiled.

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With a good group of guys, it is not that hard to pack up, an dit goes by pretty quick. I know one of the members in Pound Ridge had designed, and built a small machine that would roll the 5" hose. That allowed everything to be packed back at the firehouse.

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If I'm not mistaking, that Pound Ridge rig (E112) and Bedford's E108 both carry 5000+ feet of 5" LDH. All I have to say is WOW. Our three Engines are all carrying close to 1500 feet now, mostly for the long driveways and non-hydrant areas we cover. It is a b**** packing that stuff, but like you other guys have said, once you get it going in a nice, organized motion, it goes pretty quick. Who cares how it looks? Follow NFPA and cover that bed up!

One other thought for the FD adding the 2000 feet to your current load, be mindful of the added weight to your rig - adding that much hose is going to add roughly 2100 pounds!

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