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Odd fire truck from US standards

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Odd fire trucks compared to what you see in the US.

These were taken from the Bad Ischl firehouse in Austria.





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To tell you the truth, that's what firetrucks look like just about everywhere else in the world except North America. There are obviously some units that companies like Ferrara have delivered overseas as specialty units.

I would suspect that those rigs run high pressure pumps (thousands of pounds of pressure) through lines not much bigger than a pressure washer and carry very little water.

Those rigs aren't much bigger than a standard FedEx delivery van.

Edited by mfc2257

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Nothing odd about those. Tactics and building construction(for the most part) are quite different in Europe than here. Granted, they don't have that jump out and grab you look of a rig that we're used to seeing here.

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I remember watching a show about British and Irish fire brigades where they were talking about structure tactics. Since most of their buildings are masonry construction and frame work and less wood, there tactics towards buildings are more room and content compared to our structure fires in wood frame houses. I' see if I can find the show, I think it was on the Discovery channel and they had a whole explanation of why their apparatus was set up that way. Plus too all the trucks have smaller wheelbases since the streets area very tight in the major cites.

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