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First responders denied LODD benefits

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"non-strenuous or non-routine stressful?" When did any of these pencil neck, geeky lawyers every try to do what we do. What utter ridiculous bureaucratic bullsh!t. Maybe Penn and Teller should do a bullsh!t show on this and the PASS alarm CDC non-sense. I'd like to see one of them carry a hose pack around for a few minutes. Every alarm brings some semblance of physiological effect, to presume otherwise is ridiculous, some just adapt and handle it better then others.s

This also can be used as another example of how annual physicals can protect members. If you have a good stress tests on files for years then it can dispute any claims that there was preexisting heart condition. If one does arise then the members activities will be limited therefore possibly saving their life.

Edited by alsfirefighter

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