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NEW Indian Point Sirens

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Wednesday March 21, 2007 at 10:30 AM

NEW Indian Point Siren on Washington Street in Peekskill is sounding....

NO WAY is it anywhere close to as loud as the old ones!!!!!!!

Old one would shake my house.

Did we go backwards?


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yeh the sirens juyst went off in ossining, at first i thought i was a car honking or something, but after 2 or 3 mins of it, i came to the conclusion this was an indian point sound drill...ummm i could barley hear it inside, i liked the other ones better, except when they were going off

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I couldn't hear it over the dishes I was daughter came down from her room and said daddy, woooooooo! turned off the water and there it was. Living so close (1/4 mile) to the plant (67th to die), I don't pay attention anyways...will be too late for me!

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I live 300 FT away from the IP Siren.

If you have the Radio or TV on (low) no way you will hear it.

Oswegowind you do dishes? NICE!


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I live 300 FT away from the IP Siren.

If you have the Radio or TV on (low) no way you will hear it.

Oswegowind you do dishes? NICE!


dont worry if you have the radio or tv on your ahead of the game. isnt that what your suppose to do when the sirens sound?

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all of westchester and rockland (and putnam, fairfield and nyc for that matter) is toast anyway if something happens there, not to mention what would happen to the first responders. it's a classic case of tuck you head between your legs and kiss your butt goodbye if you live anywhere in the region.

look at chernobyl - they have videos showing workers sealing the place up and every one of them is now worm food.

god bless us all if there's ever an accident or attack there.

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all of westchester and rockland (and putnam, fairfield and nyc for that matter) is toast anyway if something happens there, not to mention what would happen to the first responders. it's a classic case of tuck you head between your legs and kiss your butt goodbye if you live anywhere in the region.

look at chernobyl - they have videos showing workers sealing the place up and every one of them is now worm food.

god bless us all  if there's ever an accident or attack there.

You are very misinformed about nuclear power. What happened at Chernobyl could not happen here in the United States because that type of plant does not exist here. It is against the laws of physics for that type of emergency here at Indian Point. Chernobyl had no form of containment building to prevent a release very different from nuclear plants in the United States.

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I can tell you one thing...those sirens have to be the most unsightly models they could find. The other ones didn't stand out so much. I haven't been around to hear them yet so know you have me thinking about it. Was this a full siren test or were they spot checking them? Thanks for posting this RWC...this is info I am very interested in.

On a side note, as someone who has invested a fair amount of time on a professional and personal college level about the evacuation plan and the plant, just simply saying such and such is toast doesn't play in my thoughts. Also what happened in Chernobyl is nearly impossible here in the states. The USSR did not construct the concrete containment domes that are required here and they will help to slow any release. The chances of a catastrophic release are there but very slim. I look at it like this...any evacuation plan no matter for what is designed to save the maximum amount of people in the shortest amount of time. We all shoot for 100% effectiveness, but as I learned in my disaster prepardness class and emergency mangament degree program that isn't realistic. When I reviewed the plan I will have to admit that there are things I do not agree with, do not think they are common sense, nor things that take into account true human psychology. But it is the the best for where it is and it isn't going anywhere anytime soon without a viable alternative. Unless the wind is blowing from the south, I live outside the 10 mile zone now. I'm within the 50 mile ring...but that has to be a decent release with the right family will get there eventually.

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You cant even compare USSR and US regulation and standards on nuclear power facilities. Like everyone said, the USSR and the Russia of today have shoddy safety standards/construction standards. The re-enforced concrete containment dome is a number of feet thick and the concrete is of high quality. Likewise, Chernobyl wasn't caused by any one particular problem - but a series of problems that plagued the cooling system, control rod insertion system, and poor fuel rod design. Mind you, this wasn't the first time the USSR/Russia had a nuclear reactor disaster...anyone remember the K-19?

Edited by 66Alpha1

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Where the sirens are concerned, all I can say is that it was many millions of dollars spent because of a Federal mandate-just for Indian Point. If you find the sirens to be unsatisfactory, then by all means please write to Senator Hillary Rodham-Clinton or Congresswoman Nita Lowey. Entergy naturally paid for the sirens, but who do you think is going to pay for yet ANOTHER "independent" review, in addition to the four that have already been conducted?

You will, Mr. Taxpayer. You will. And our representatives will perhaps get another photo op or sound byte at your expense.

About the Debate:

With twenty six years of nuclear power experience, I have become very thick skinned when I hear flippant, uninformed, and sometimes downright ignorant statements about the industry as it is in this country. It's especially irritating when it comes from people who really should know better, which defines most people, in my opinion.

I have been the good natured butt of countless "does he glow?" jokes; and have found myself at a disadvantage more than once when being interviewed by a "journalist" who already had the story he or she wanted before a single question was asked or answered. Add to that our freedom of the press, which also means the ability to cut and paste an otherwise informative article into a bit of tabloid trash.

I had the pleasure of accompanying a group of high school students on a tour.

Most were very courteous, however one brilliant lad among them already knew everything he wanted to know about nuclear power, and was undoubtedly influenced by his equally brilliant, progressive parents. It was two hours of pure antagonism from him, which was not engaged, to the credit of the employees who were there.

What I'm getting at is that you cannot convince someone who doesn't want to know. Making comic book-level statements in support of one's opinion only highlights the fruitlessness of debating the issue. If someone really has a question, I will gladly answer it truthfully, and as a private citizen on my own time. I fear nothing, and have nothing to hide. Otherwise, I gave up the debating after 09/11/01, after which the looneys really came out of hiding.

Edited by Stepjam

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Stepjam, I'm with ya brother and that was a great post.

I just saw a clip on the news that showed both sirens when operated. The biggest difference from what I could gather from the clips was that the new sirens sounds like it is an electronic siren being broadcasted where the old style was mechanical. Can anyone elaborate whether this is the case?

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Thanks ALS, glad you enjoyed it. smile.gif

You are correct. The new sirens are electronic planar array types with no moving parts. Most of the problems with the old ones were with one of the two electric motors each contained, and birds building their nests inside the parabolas.

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Great post Stepjam!

I've always been fascinated by the Chicken Little, the sky is falling, attitude we have in the US about nuclear power. Tomorrow there's going to be a catastrophic release during a snow storm while they're doing emergency road repairs on the TZ Bridge and traffic is snarled already. And of course there will immediately be a major release of radiation that will travel in every direction at 50 miles an hour. Come on...

The Japanese have many nuclear power plants to generate their ever increasing power demand and they have safety measures in place comparable to ours but where the he11 are they going to evacuate???

Thanks Stepjam and ALS for staying focused on the siren issue.

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I so close, I have never really feared the situation because I understand the actual risks. NO MUSHROOM CLOUD!!! There is so much bs in the press to shut the place down. How would we replace the energy it produces, this is never shown or spoken about in the press or by our reps that are staging a witchhunt to shut it down. Personally I would be affected in a major way, I live in Buchanan, shutting this plant down because of the same relative risk associated with living in general would be ridiculous! They pay a lot of taxes which reduces the amount I pay (selfish but what the he11) and shut down it would pose more of a risk than operating. I could see someone trying to break in to steal something when it is closed and with reduced security if any, but right now that is just now realistic. These groups, such as River Keeper, use energy but don't want it many of them have solar panels on their homes and wind stations in their yards to create enough energy to live on???? Especially our reps, who use up more fossil fuels in one week than any of us will ever in our life because they are bouncing around the US campaigning to be President and such...once again at our expense!!! Shut it down and raise my taxes, but you better learn how to walk and sweat in the summer cause you won't need a car or an air won't be in your budget!!!

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NEWS12 this morning (Thursday 3/22) stating that some of the NEW Indian Point Sirens FAILED the test yesterday.

We are off to a great start!

The ones that did work you can hardly hear and

some didn't work at all.

How much was spent on this system? I hear 10 MILLION?

10 MILLION and a Federal Q is LOUDER!

I hope Entergy kept receipts... RETURN THEM!

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i have a question about the sirens, are they the electronic or the old air raide stype siren? and who made them?

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i have a question about the sirens, are they the electronic or the old air raide stype siren? and who made them?

Read the entries by Stepjam on page 1 of this thread and you will find your answer...grasshopper!

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I e-mailed Senator Clinton last week about my concerns.

I got an e-mail today that they are looking into this matter.


Interesting..... biggrin.gif

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