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We encourage you to visit the NEW *

Using money raised from proceed earned at the EMTBravo Store,, we invested the funds into a new, more professional and feature rich forum software. From here, we are going to work as hard as we can to grow the New England member base and therefore increase topics and posting. The more members we have, the more knowledge gets shared. We hope you can help us with that. is run by The EMTBravo Group, The EMTBravo Group owns, runs, develops, and manages several websites dedicated to enhancing the Fire/EMS/Law Enforcement community in the Metro NYC snd New England Regions. is the flagship and founding website of the The EMTBravo Group. was recently launched as the offical store of EMTBravo. All proceeds earned from sales are reinvested back into the cost of running the sites and the gowth of the sites.

If you have a chance today, please check out the NEW . Again,we'd also appreciate if you'd let your friends and brothers in the New England Emergency Services field know about us.

Thanks for your time, have a great day!

-EMTBravo New England Webteam

*We just switched the domains over to the new server. Although most of you can see the new board, it sometimes takes 24-48 hours to propagate across the internet. Also, try clearing your browsers cache.

P.S. We are still working on the sites look. Please excuse the site's apprearance.


Official EMTBravo Merchandise:


EMTBravo Central:

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