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Guest TOYBUFF911

Yonkers- Man shot in the head - 03-18-07

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Location: 86 Hamilton Avenue 4th floor

Frequency: YPD / Empress

Units Operating: ESU T-3, T-4, 3rd pct units, 100 (LT), 900 (Capt), CIU, Detective division, Empress medic unit & medic supervisor

Description Of Incident: Initial report of a man inside an apartment, shot in the head. ESU-3 on scene immediatly, awaiting further from dispatch with no more information provided. ESU and patrol to 3rd floor with tactical gear and medic bag. Apartment cleared and a 20 year old male victim was located in a back bedroom, shot in the head (apparent self inflicted). Weapon was recovered and both ESU trucks working victim until the arrival of empress medics. Victim transported via empress and ESU to ST. Josephs E.R., where he was stabilized and transported 45min later via trans care paramedics to WCMC for further treatment. Vcitim in very critical condition. Detectives investigating.

Writer: Toybuff911

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