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Photos Vill. / Wappingers Fire Rescue 3-17-07

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Date: 3-17-07

Time:Around 23:13

Location: 1 Market Street, Village of Wappingers

Units Operating: Village of Wappingers Fire Department, Mobile Life, Hughsonville & New Hamburg FD, Village of Wappingers Police, County Car 13 and Stat Flight Air 2

Female Slipped / Jumped off porch, fell Apx. 40 feet


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Edited by JetPhoto

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It was a smooth clean operation, went very well given the conditions & pts. location. The only thing i didnt like there is there was no tag or saftey line for the pt., didnt like that all the fireman had to hang over the railing that she just went over to grab the stokes. Other than that little bit of criticism everything went extremely well. Origional plan was to lift her, and swing her over to the front of Wappingers Ladder, the chief stopped re looked over the situation & changed it so they would utilize the porch she came off of, almost strait up from where she was, and not carry her over the water.

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Its cool, I could see where you thought I stole ur info. I would've updated my post myself, however I was on the 2nd due MLSS bus.

So did you go with WFD member or were you with jumper. There seemed to be some confusion as to why the 3rd bus was not sent code 3 to scene when they were requested by command. Was just curious as to what happened there,if it was miscomunication or what.

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I drove 285, we took the jumper to the LZ, then St. Francis. Most of the confusion was because they req'd 3 ambs. for 2 pts. The 1st rig got blocked in on Market St.

Part of the reason we drove to St. Francis is because was when the pt. was immobilized, it was done in the stokes, when we went to move her we found that she wasn't on a back board, and the stokes wouldn't fit properly in the helo.

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I drove 285, we took the jumper to the LZ, then St. Francis. Most of the confusion was because they req'd 3 ambs. for 2 pts. The 1st rig got blocked in on Market St.

Part of the reason we drove to St. Francis is because was when the pt. was immobilized, it was done in the stokes, when we went to move her we found that she wasn't on a back board, and the stokes wouldn't fit properly in the helo.

I gotcha, was wondering what had happened. My buddie failed to mention that they did not use a backboard. Gonna have to bust his chops about that one.

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