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New Yonkers FD Headquarters

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Is there any news pertaining to the Development of the New Yonkers FD Headquarters, given the plans to build the Baseball Park down at Chicken Island, that will take up the Current Old FD Hdqrs? Last I heard they were thinking about the Armory? Anybody have any updates?

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Hey R3, I wouldn't hold my breath (as you know). We have been hearing about this for years. We all hope to stay in "The Big House", right where we are. It's old, and broken down - but we like it that way. The only way to really find out is when they start knocking it down around us ........ 8-[

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My Uncle was with YFD (Old Truck Company 3 - Later Ladder 11) at Station 11. He told me stories about the "Big House" down at Headquarters, when you had Truck 1 (now TL71), Rescue 1 (Now HDRescue 1), Engine Company 1 and Engine Company 3 all running out of "The Big House" Then with 3 going over to Vark Street in the Early 70's, and E-1 being disbanded, and then R1 being disbanded in 76, there was only L71. Then E305 was added for a short time, and then that was disbanded. NOW YOU GUYS HAVE ALOT OF COMPANY. YOUR NEW ALF TL71, THE NEW ALF H.D. R1, THE NEW MASK SERVICES UNIT, AND IS BAT. 1 RUNNING OUT OF HDQRS OR IS IT STILL DOWN AT STATION 3? ARE YOU STORING ANY OF THE SPARE RIGS AT THE "BIG HOUSE"???? HOW DO YOU LIKE YOUR ALF TL? OR DID YOU LIKE YOUR MACK BAKER AERIALSCOPE BETTER?

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I can tell you that Batt1 still runs out of 3 - Batt2 Sta-12

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R3- Bat-1 is running out of 3-Engine. The Safety Battalion is going out of Sta-1. The Big House has TL-71, R-1,Safety, & MSU. There is no room for any spares at HQ. The ALF is a nice rig- like a cadillac, but as with all the new apparatus everywhere, too many safetys bells & whistles. The old Mack, U pulled up and threw the jacks down. Now you have to make sure you have grren lites all around. It is almost a 2-man set up on the new TL, but it has been around for 6 years now, and has caught it's fair share of work.

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Good Morning SmokeaterR1. Terrific News coming out of YFD. It would make sense to have Squad 311 to respond for the East Side, in a similiar fashion as Rescue 1 does for the West Side. Should the incident require it, YFD could dispatch Rescue One to the East Side if their specialized equipment, not available on Squad 311, was needed. This way, both sides of the city are better covered. PLUS, it will certainly cut down on the extra mileage that Rescue One adds when they go on runs to the east side. A Few Questions for you SmokeaterR1, regarding this news. 1) Will the Collaspe Unit Rig (Currently housed at Station 11), continue to act in the same capacity when Squad 311 comes into play December 1st? 2) If not, what will they do with that Rig? 3) I would think that ALF would be the best company to supply this new style of RIG. Do you agree? 4) Is, what I mentioned above, as far as the plans for the New Squad 311 and its relationship to Rescue One, the way that YFD is going? 5) Will YFD be changing the Lettering on the existing 311 Mack Rig, to reflect "Squad 311" come December 1st? We all look forward to your answers - THANKS

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