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FDNY Signal 657

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What does that mean?

Listening to FDNY Manhattan they just did a Signal 657

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What does that mean?

Listening to FDNY Manhattan they just did a Signal 657

Probably a 65-2......."Meaning standby for a Dept. message..."

Given today was probably the message, "operators of dept. vehicles should use caution, responding to, operating at, and returning from all alarms." blah blah blah etc

They give that message when it snows....

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It was a 65-2 for Fall Back Step 3 if I am not mistaking. They had two hi-Rise jobs going on today.

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We don't give 65-2's when we go to FB3. It's just announced, usually followed with the section in the communications manual to refer to.

65-2 messages are Department messages that cover a number of different things. Examples, Bad weather safety precatuions, Non-LODD of a member, uniformed and civilian. Certain special events, stuff like that. There are a lot of them that are just teleprinter only.

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Opps my bad..

Quick question have they put the monitors in the CO's for the GPS yet?

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The monitors are in Da Bronx and SI that I know of. I do not know how many units are online with the system. It is not integrated into the present CAD system, and ATT there are no plans to integrate it into any future CAD systems.

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