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How Does Your FD Recruit Members?

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Just wondering how your FD's recruit new members... Do you require new members to live in the same town? same district? work in town? do you take members from anywhere? and do you guys have a points system or some other standerd that active members need maintain a certain amount of activity

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Just wondering how your FD's recruit new members... Do you require new members to live in the same town? same district? work in town? do you take members from anywhere? and do you guys have a points system or some other standerd that active members need maintain a certain amount of activity

Great questions Ecky!

One more question - how many have LOSAP programs that require responses to calls for eligibility? Does this mean you have 40 people showing up at a wires down call or people continuing to respond after an "under control" (read 10-20) is broadcast so they can get their points?

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I think recruiting used to be done primarily by relationship. All new recruits had some sort of relation to who recruited them. This is the case with family and friends, but also with neighbors and coworkers. Somehow along the way this changed.

Next we have word of mouth, but unless you already have some sort of relation to the person this rarely works. This did however lead to organized recruitment programs, which included public presentations, which I guess is a form of word of mouth recruitment.

Active recruitment is just one of the many changes that is taking place in the Volunteer Fire Service. Years ago there was no need to explain who you were and what you did, everyone just knew stuff. In general, I think this has lead to fewer but better informed recruits.

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My town has a full time volunteer recruitment and retention officer, who handles all new applicants who are intrested in joining. the volunteer coordinator than fowards them to the stations closest to their home that they are intrested in joining.

Around town there are signs in front of some of the firehouses, and there seems to be a lot of younger members.

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We've found over time that when we go and ask someone to join, they usually don't pan out. Those that want to join will always wander up to a firehouse or grab someone wearing an FD shirt in a deli and ask. Those are the ones that are your best bet.

Self-promotion / advertising works too, but you have to be mindful of the image you want to project and the people you want to bring in. For example, if you have a "rock and roll" image, you may get a bunch of guys looking to get off on the adrenaline rush and not do it for the right reasons! Hence the world I like to call, "Vollywood."

Well designed websites, a clean public image and videos done with the right meaning will get the right attention.

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I am glad to see this topic being discussed considering its importance to the continuity of the volunteer service.

It seems that in the past volunteers came knocking much more frequently and today there is definately less interest. It takes alot to bring someone into the service and its seems to be getting more difficult.

A few things my firehouse is working on:

Building a strong Admission/ Recruitment and Retainment Program: Trying to put together the right personalities out in front of prespective vols. Meeting them, answering their questions, and making them feel welcome and needed. In addition, keeping them with us, wanting to give some of their valuable time.

Community Outreach: Physically getting out in front of the townspeople and meeting them, answering questions, and just simply chewing the fat. We've done this with 5-10 guys and a truck in the center of town. This hasn't brought in an applicant yet, but I think with a few more meetings and hours it could produce a few leads. Granted, timing is everything.

Advertising/Marketing: We are working on getting some radio station ad time for a brief thirty second clips. We were able to get this service donated and I think it could produce some, especially, the guys out working in the trades in town. We'll see what happens.

World Wide Web: We have been using a very tired website for the past 5 + years. In the past month we have looked into and been moving forward with a FD website management company that specializes in FF realted websites. I think this carries the potential to be an excellent marketing and sales tool to prospective applicants and townspeole. We plan on working public education and fire prevention into the site. We'll see how this goes, sure we are paying a little more$$, but if one good member comes out of it then I see it as a success.

Any one have any thoughts, suggestions, or disagreements?

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I believe our members have to live in the town, or within a reasonable distance.

I think community outreach is probably the best way to attract attention to the fire service. I know I never really paid attention to the FD, and didn't even know that I could join it until I happened to catch a glimpse of a flyer the department sent out. Unless there is a fire, it seems like most people's eyes pass right over the fire house, even though it is in the center of town.

Something to consider might be letting the public get an idea of what the fire service is like. Station a fire truck at a community day type event, and maybe have some extra turnout gear that people can hop into and take a picture in.

See if the local high schools will allow firefighters to come in and do some demonstrations (and maybe let them play with the hoses a bit) during gym classes. It depends on your department's rules, but a teenaged recruit can get in a few years of training and exterior experience and then will already know the ropes when s/he becomes a regular member.

Have representatives from the department around at community events and have members wear their FD shirts/hats/jackets around town. Show people that their neighbors, mailmen, bus drivers, teachers, etc are firefighters.

I guess my point is that we need to bring attention to the fire service, and then you'll get people (like me!) who had never considered joining before, but think of it as the best choice they've made.

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Just wondering how your FD's recruit new members... Do you require new members to live in the same town? same district? work in town? do you take members from anywhere? and do you guys have a points system or some other standerd that active members need maintain a certain amount of activity

We don't do enough...I am open for suggestions.

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Nice job. Let me know how it pans out.

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