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Westchester Fire Ground CH.

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I know this is a stupid question but i'm drawing a blank. The Fireground radios are Simplex right. Like if the working fire in bucanhan has it's opps on Fireground 4. I can't hear it from new Rochelle, Right?

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  ems-buff said:
I know this is a stupid question but i'm drawing a blank. The Fireground radios are Simplex right. Like if the working fire in bucanhan has it's opps on Fireground 4. I can't hear it from new Rochelle, Right?


they r usually only good for 5 miles or less

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I don't think they are good for even that far. It's UHF. It won't go very far because they are high power. They have good pwer to get through concrete and steal, but not good for distance.

It sounds like a good portion of the job is on 46.26...

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Also note the County wide UHF firegrounds are 2Watts not 5 Watts..

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  tbendick said:
Also note the County wide UHF firegrounds are 2Watts not 5 Watts..

Well, that's the way they're suppost to be...

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LOL. 585 didn't we talk about that not too long ago.

Any tactical/operational/fireground channel, should be simplex for safety and to allow maximum usage of a frequency. This is why they are only suppose to be used on portable radios at the 2 watt range. So distance is good for incident grounds but not far beyond so others can utilize the same frequency at a distance away.

Another thing to point out again and this is why I hate calling/labeling them "fireground" channels is they are not just for the fireground. They should be used for all incidents, which in concept you wouldn't have much of the BS going on most of the main channels.

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