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Bronx- 10-77/2nd Alarm 03-03-07

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Date: 03-03-07

Time: 1445hrs

Location: 1300 Morris Park Ave X Eastchester

Description Of Incident: Transformer vault fire in front of a 9-story medical building.

Writer: Truck4

1445hrs- B-20 transmitting 10-75 for transformer vault fire. Units entering the medical building at 1300 Morris Park Ave. B-20 S/C Squad, Sq-61 is first due engine.

1st Alarm: Sq-61, E-97, 90, 64; L-41, L-47, 61 FAST; R-3, Sq-41; B-20, B-15 (10-75)

1450hrs- B-20 Using All-Hands for heavy smoke in building. Con Ed giving an ETA of (1) hour, B-20 req. to expedite. Units have high CO readings. Building houses MRI machines and labs. S/C extra Engine and Truck.

S/C: E-66/L-50

1500hrs- B-20 req. MRI technicians. Building is affiliated with Albert Einstien Medical School.

1509hrs- Div. 7 transmitting 10-77 for heavy smoke on upper floors and high CO readings.

High Rise: L-32, E-89 (CFR-D); B-18, 27 (Safety); Rescue B/C, Safety B/C, Field Com.

1512hrs- Haz Mat B/C req. units to check for Rad-50 readings in the building.

1515hrs- Div. 7 transmittng 2nd Alarm. Searches continuing. Transformer still arching.

2nd Alarm: E-38, 62, 45; L-38, 50; E-72/S-2; E-39/ High Rise #2; B-3, B-19 (RUL), B-39 (Air Recon), MSU #1

1520hrs- Bronx advising no TAC units available.

1528hrs- Div. 7 rpts conditions remain unchanged. (1) L/S and standing-by.

1535hrs- Div. 7 rpts co's checking exposures. Con Ed has transformer shut down.

1550hrs- S/C (3) Trucks.

S/C: L-56, 37, 31

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