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Tips for shooting night time fires

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Hello all,

I just recently got a Digital camera, it has both auto and manual settings. My question is whats the best F stop and shutter speed and so on for night time fire photography. Thanks.

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For night time stuff go with the Manual mode.

1. Set your ISO as hi as you can 400 - 1600. You will see more noise with the hi ISO's.

2 Open you F stop all the way up. This will allow the most light in.

3. Adjust the shutter speed to get the light needed.

4. Tripod!! With a tripod you can get some nice photos. With rig shots you can turn down the ISO to get less noise and not have to worrie about the long shutter speeds.

5. Self timmer or remote. You will get movement when you press the shutter button. So you can either use a remote cord or set the self timmer. This way after the timer counts down the camera is no longer moving and less blur.

6. Flash. Make sure you try with it on and off. Some cameras will only allow you to shot down to 1/60second with the flash on. This may not be long enough to get light in. With the flash off the camera might go down to 1 second.

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Thanks for the reply. I will give it a try. I cant wait to get back into fire scene photography.

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