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Yonkers- 2nd Alarm 02-21-07

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Date: 02-21-07

Time: 0221hrs

Location: 400 Palisade Ave X Glenwood/Lake

Description Of Incident: Fire on the 1st floor of a 2.5-story frame P/D.

Writer: Truck4 (O/S)

0221hrs- Original call for structure fire with people trapped on 2nd floor. B-1 req. E-303 respond as 5th Engine while enroute. E-303 awaiting Con Ed after a transformer fire relieved by PD and responding as 5th Engine.

1st Alarm: E-309, 308, 306, 312, 303; L-72, 71, R-1, B-1

0226hrs- L-72 rpts 10-29. Occupants reportedly trapped on 2nd floor porch.

0227hrs- B-1 10-84 transmitting 10-30, rpts heavy fire 1st floor Exposure #2 side, extending to 2nd floor.

0230hrs- B-1 rpts (1) occupant removed from 2nd floor front by ground ladder. Now getting rpts of people trapped in basement. E-309 has a dead hydrant, B-1 req. co's to bring water.

0232hrs- Co's report all occupants are accounted for.

0234hrs- Car 5 (Safety) transmitting 2nd Alarm.

2nd Alarm: E-304, 310; L-75, B-2

0237hrs- L-75 to the front of the building with tools. Main body of fire is K/D. Co's still opening up.

0240hrs- E-314/L-73 to cover Sta. 1.

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