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Ardsley Police New Dodge Charger

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Recently, Ardsley PD recieved a brand new 2007 Dodge Charger, equipped by Stiloskis new Emergency Vehicle dvivison.

It features a brand new paint scheme, with hand painted details (such as the famous Ardsley patch- which my father helped design in the '70s) . I've only seen photos of this car in the process of being painted, but I imagine the completed product is awesome!

It's my understanding that this car will replace APD 98, and the current 98 will be transferred over to Ardsley FD and assigned to Car 2013.

If anyone has a good shot of this car completed, please post!

I'm adding the new Ardsley Car 98 to my "incentive to recover as fast as possible" list. It seems as of late there's tons of things I've added to my photo want (to shoot myself) list.

Edited by x635

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Ask and you shall recieve. Still can't wait to shoot it myself though.


(Photo by Stiltow)

Thanks to Stiloski's for sharing what is one of this year's hottest new police car deliveries. Special thanks to Stiloski's for sharing what is one of this year's hottest new police car deliveries.

This vehicle was equipped by Stiloski's new Emergency Vehicle Division, and features a Sound-Off lights and siren package. Also other custom details by Stiloskis, such as a console instal, custom paint job, l and a hand painted Ardsley PD patch on the door (When my father was an officer with APD, he helped to design the now famous patch)

Check out MORE PHOTOS of Ardsley PD's new Car 98:

Very impressive!l I have to post some photos of my father with the old Car 98 when he was assigned to it, whatever it was, in the late 70's.


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It looks pretty sick but I'm partial to the old style police cars. Is this already in service?

Edited by OoO

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