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Mahopac (putnam) - Working fire 1/11/07

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Date: 1/11/07

Time:2317 hrs

Location: 521 Kenicut hill rd

Frequency: 46.38 Dispatch / 46.44-46.54 Respond / 46.50 Fire Ground

Units Operating: Mahopac Full Assignment 18-1-1, 18-1-2 18-1-3, 18-4-2, 18-4-1,18-6-1, 18-7-1 ,18--2-3 water source, 18-2-1, Mahopac Falls 19-4-1,19-4-4, 19-6-1, 19-7-2 and 19-1-1, Brewtser FD, 11-1-1, 11-5-1, Croton Falls E148, Car2073 and WC Batt 13, Carmel FD 12-4-1 and 12-1-3

Putnam County car 4, Putnam County Fire Investigation Team BOES 5

2319hrs -IC requesting Tanker from Mahopac Falls, Brewster FAST 11-1-1, NYSEG,

2323hrs -IC Requesting fire Investigation

2327hrs -Putnam County Car 4 Requesting one Engine Croton Falls to relocate to Mahopac FD

2330hrs- Mahopac Falls Requested for Rescue truck and second request for FAST

2332hrs-19-6-1 enroute

2334hrs- 18-7-1 enroute

2335hrs- Brewtser FAST 11-5-1 enroute

2342hrs-IC update Two lines in opts with fire on both floors still active.

2342hrs- 18-12 (operation) requesting second(third) line upstairs

2348 hrs-Croton Falls E148 and Car 2073 on location Mahopac FD for stand by

2350hrs- All interior crew to pull out per IC, requesting roll call

2352hrs- Westchester County BATT 13 on scene of Fire

0004hrs- Operations reports heavy fire in middle of building

0013hrs- IC requesting Tanker from Carmel FD

0016hrs- PC Car 4 requesting second ambulance to the scene

0020hrs- Carmel 12-4-1, 12-1-3 enroute

0025hrs- Mahpoac Falls 19-7-2 enroute to scene

0026hrs- Mahopac 18-7-1 enroute Putnam Hospital Center BLS with one (not sure for who)

Not sure of the times but there was two more transports. One by 19-7-2 and another by 18-7-1(again) to Putnam Hospital BLS

Description Of Incident: Working Structure Fire Per 18-1-3. Fire throught the roof of a two story wood frame commercial building.

Writer: LCFD968 thanks DOC22 for the extra info

And yes Billy while you guys up playing I am here reporting AGAIN!!!!

Edited by LCFD968

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