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Law would ban iPods when crossing street

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By MICHAEL VIRTANEN, Associated Press Writer Wed Feb 7, 4:17 PM ET

ALBANY, N.Y. - Walk, jog or bicycle across a New York street with an iPod plugged in your ears and you could get slapped with a $100 ticket under a new law proposed by a legislator from Brooklyn.


State Sen. Carl Kruger's bill would also outlaw the use of cell phones, Blackberries, video games or other electronic devices when crossing the street.

He cited the death of a 21-year-old man who was listening to music when he stepped off a curb and was hit by a bus in Brooklyn in September, and the death of a 23-year-old iPod listener last month.

"If you're so involved in your electronic device that you can't see or hear a car coming, this is indicative of a larger problem that requires some sort of enforcement beyond the application of common sense," Kruger said.

Jason Koppel, Kruger's chief of staff, said listeners would merely have to pull the earphones out for the few seconds it takes to cross the street.

Kruger said the legislation would be introduced this week.

Charlotte Troisgros, 16, a Manhattan student talking on her cell phone in a crosswalk near City Hall on Wednesday, laughed and said the law may not be such a bad idea.

"You really don't pay attention. You might get hit by a car," she said.

E. Christopher Murray, a civil liberties attorney, said the proposal is excessive.

"With our schools failing, health costs out of control, and crushing property taxes, the legislature would rather play mother by legislating how we cross the street," he said. "What's next? Do you get fined if you don't look both ways?"

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I can see the street signs now:

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Once again the government has found a new way to get more money out of our pockets and into theirs undeer the guise of saving us. If they were really worried about us, then they would find a way to save the 26000 people that die in cars each year

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I'd rather see legislation that makes it impossible to sue someone when you were negligent or otherwise at fault.

Oops, I got squashed by a bus crossing the street with my iPod - let me sue the City and MTA because they should have known that I'm not paying attention. No way!

I'm a burglar and got injured while in your house - I'm going to sue you for the cost of my medical bills. No way!

My coffee was too hot and McDonalds didn't warn me - did I order ICED coffee, NOooooo. But they didn't warn me so I deserve a ton of money and McDonalds should have to pay to have "CAUTION - contents may be hot" on their insulated coffee cups. No way!

People really need to get a life!

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You cross a street while distracted and get hit its your fault. Darwin had it right. Survival of the fittest.

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Are people really getting this stupid?! WOW.....

Edited by Remember585

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