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Guest resqstuff

Response Time Issues

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To spin off on the comments voiced on this thread:

Here is something else to keep in the back of your mind - In Westchester, this is what you are guaranteed from emergency services - NOTHING! If you get into a bad wreck or have a heart attack anywhere in this county you are not guaranteed anything. It is sad to say with the resources in this county that the bottom line is this. Whether it is a paid or volunteer dept you may not get a timely response or professional service. So some who are acting like if something happens to you somebody will be there right away to put out your fire or bring you to the hospital - think again! I work in this field and have seen some outrageous things take place, and yes it doesn't always happen day to day, but when you are the one waiting - it is a whole different ballgame. But I don't think these problems will ever be fixed in this county as long as every little FD and VAC has the say as to how they operate and writes their own standards of service. So there is no sense in discussing these little problems when basically it is a county wide epidemic. There is alot more to say on this but my fingers hurt from typing this!

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in reply to that last comment, in my dept we have been comlpimented over and over again buy, medics, cops, other depts, and civilians for the speedy response and how well we work. not to metion the professionalism we show.

So think again before you say things

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So, daday, you are saying your community ALWAYS has an ambulance (from your community, without MA) to respond within a set amount of time with the appropriately trained people?

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I work with this (ems/fire response in westchester) on a daily basis. So what you are telling me that you have at your disposal for a quick response an unlimted amount of resources? I think not. You are also saying that your ambulance/fire dept NEVER utilizes the mutual aid system? Again - I think not! You are basically saying that every time there is an ems call or fire that people in your district are 100% garanteed help within 5 mins. I think not! I am not bashing anybody as I am a volunteer myself, I am just stating FACT from dealing with every fire/ems agency in westchester.

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If compliments were the standard of measure for response times, no one would have a problem. Everyone has a different idea of an acceptable response and that is the problem. Take your response times and break them down to: overall, per each call type, and the amount of personnel responding on those calls. I find it interesting that based on Resqstuffs opinion, one which I agree with and he deals with even more then I do on a daily basis, you take personally about your own department. I never saw him mention a specific department.

To "break this down" even more. If anyone else has read his post and gets a bit tiffy, perhaps the truth hurts. I'm not angry, because I agree with him for one, and two my department has fantastic DOCUMENTED response times.

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I agree 100% with Resqstuff.

Some communities have first response EMS on scene in minutes. BUT the transporting agency takes 10, 15, 20 minutes to arrive!! Is this acceptable? NO!

We have all heard many, many times where an agency announces on the radio that "a full crew is enroute" or "call is covered."

But is it really? If I am in need of immediate HOSPITAL care and my community's EMS is slow responding - am I going to get the care I need WHEN I need it?

Let's not forget that some FDs also lack in their responses. Sure they get out the door fast, but how many FIREFIGHTERS are on scene able to do whatever task is handed to them? And how many times have we heard 60 Control tone out 2nd and 3rd requests for FD responses? "It's only an automatic alarm" doesn't cut it. Your community pays TAXES for a service we are all expected to provide. Politics will always ruin the potential of the Fire and EMS service in this County.

Enough ranting - time to eat!

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So what you are telling me that you have at your disposal for a quick response an unlimted amount of resources? I think not. You are also saying that your ambulance/fire dept NEVER utilizes the mutual aid system. The only department that can say no to this is in "Fantasy Land" and Chief Claus is responding. Some places are worse than others, Yes. But in the big picture. We are not doing bad for ourselves. Or our communities.

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"So what you are telling me that you have at your disposal for a quick response an unlimted amount of resources? I think not. You are also saying that your ambulance/fire dept NEVER utilizes the mutual aid system". The only department that can say no to this is in "Fantasy Land" and Chief Claus is responding. Some places are worse than others, Yes. But in the big picture. We are not doing bad for ourselves. Or our communities.

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Share on other sites hit it right on the head...this is the first time i have seen someone call a spade a spade here...time for this crap of pride, and tradition and "we Vol. our time" and we don't have the call volume or the money...all these excuses to stop....these little fifedums and politics is what is causing houses to burn, and people to die..(worst cases).. when career realize that cnty cant all be paid and vol's realize it is time to hire paid and EMS has to hire emt's and PD's and FD's realize it is time to have 60 dispatch all and 60 hires more dispatchers, new radio system that ALL are using...should I go on an on....but this politics and good o'l boy network has to stop using the "what we always have been doing"...let's not let progress be impedeed by 100 yrs of tradition....

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Of all EMS agencies in the county, I think Empress (Yonkers Division) probaly calls mutual aid the least,if at all, and has a standard in response time (<8 minutes 90% of the time).with a solid and steady first responder program, with either the NEIGHBORHOOD fire company or local precindct ESU unit responding.

However, they are also the largest and busiest system in the county,and pretty much self-sufficient, so its a whole different ballgame there.

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resqstuff: some very harsh truths. What I find interesting is people seem to imply that the problem only exists here. The issues at hand are more widespread than just Westchester. Putnam has the same problems, as does Rockland (but to a lesser extent). And don't even get me started about upstate.

x635: Even empress calls mutual aid, but will never admit it when they do. All their numbers are smoke and mirrors, always have been.

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x635: Even empress calls mutual aid, but will never admit it when they do. All their numbers are smoke and mirrors, always have been.

Looking from both ends of the equation, Empress rarely,rarely calls mutual aid, and 99% of the time holds their own. And as much as people do talk crud about them, and yes, they do have their problems, but unfortunetly until Yonkers decides to make the right move and form a 3rd service municpal EMS system, Empress is all they have. And compared to the rest of the county, whether you want to call it smoke and mirrors or not (they don't fix their numbers nearly as much as another large NYC based commercial provider), their numbers are pretty good.

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I wonder how many times said NYC provider has sent a unit from the city to cover jobs in White Plains? Hmmm.....

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Our EMS system is overburdened. Even large municipal agencies FDNY will dispatch busses from Queens to Manattan if they dont have units availble.

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Why it's not like time is muscle. You get there when you get there, stopo and eat if your hungry. If you don't take care of yourself nobody else will.

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if god wanted you at the ER faster he would miracle your a** there.

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