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Where to find WMD/Terrorism Training

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I am currently trying to recertify my NYS EMT by using CME's. It is required that I must take at least 3 hours of training in WMD/Terrorism. Does anyone know where I can find this training, I searched online and did not come up with very much. Thank you for all your help.

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What are CME's?

Continuing Medical Education. Its a pilot program the NYS DOH setup for EMTs/Medics that practice regularly. Instead of taking a refresher the state will allow you to re-certify by simply taking classes in particular subjects. There are required or "core" classes, and you have your elective classes. So, if your an EMT, throughout the 3 years you take classes to fulfill the requirements, get a CIC to sign you off on the few skills that need to be signed off on, and maintain a valid CPR card and you are granted re-certification as an EMT/Medic. All you have to do is send the paperwork in to Albany.

Here is the state informational website on the program:

Hope that helped smile.gif

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