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Jumper Case Thrown Out

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Does anyone else think that the judge dismissing the charges against the stunt artist who attempted to jump off the Empire State Building is nuts?? According to the paper, the judge threw out the charge b/c there was no reckless engangerment. Off the top of my head I can think of at least 3 or 4. There was danger to the jumper, extreme danger to the gutsy secuity guard who pulled him in and held him there, danger to pedestrians on the ground and pitentially a danger to anyone who may have been feeling depressed or suicidal on the observation deck (a far stretch I know, but it is possible) This guy may be a jumping expert, but there's no way he can take into account the pedestrian/car flow in his potential landing zone. Someone wants to parachute, fine. However, a crowded urban enviornment is not a proper venue, no matter how large the accolages or wow facter.

What do we need to do to stop this??? Do we really need to spell out every little thing for the one or two idiots a year who try things like this? Or do we need to stop politcially appointing judges who apparetly have NO common sense? Thoughts, comments?

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Makes no difference to me.

1. Endangerment to himself doesn't apply, he was making a conscious choice.

2. No offense to the security guy, but that is his job, that is a risk and it is a "reasonable risk" of the job. If that was the case every perp who resists or flees would be charged with that as well.

3. You're right...excellent on thinking of some ways to make your argument. But if someone is mind fu(ked on the top...what are they going to get depressed about? That he could make it over the cage? They know they wouldn't be able to jump that's why they choose bridges.

4. No reckless endangerment to those below. If a piece of equipment dropped when they grabbed him...yes. Throwing a substantial object over the top to the ground...yes. A "jumper" who didn't make

How do you stop it? Giving misdeameanor and low degree felonies still won't. Charging him would do nothing. No different then those whom go over Niagara Falls in a barrel. They get charged..its happened numerous times. Those that jump off bridges....charged...still do it.

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They could have charged him with attempted suicide, though. smile.gif

If someone wants to do something dumb and get their name on the "Darwin Awards" then fine, let 'em do it and keep everyone else back.

On the other hand if these dummies are caught up in the judicial system then they should be charged with a breach of peace or even criminal mischief.

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