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New Rochelle - Working Fire - 1/18/07

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Date: 1/18/07

Time: 03:35

Location: 140 Montgomery Circle (Off Beechmont Drive)

Frequency: 33.96 & 460.4625

Units Operating: 2301, 2302, E23, E21, E22, E24, L13, TL11, L12, 30A2

Description Of Incident: Working fire in basement

Writer: 1075thebox

Relocates: E25 to Station #3, FDMV E2 & L2 to FDNR Station #1.

03:47 - 2302 Reporting 1 L/S/O on basement fire in walls.

03:56 - 2302 requesting 3rd Truck to the scene, L12 assigned.

04:03 - 2301 reports large 2 1/2 story home, fire in walls on all floors. Units opening up, 3 L/S. 1 & 1 to New Rochelle from Mount Vernon.

04:17 - 2301 reports fire was in basement, 1st and 2nd floor, appears to be knocked, opening up and checking on possible extension to attic area. Holding all units.

04:35 - 2301 reports fire under control.

Edited by 1075thebox

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