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FDNY Bans Personal Effects From Lockers

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Maybe the Union could find a better thing to complain about. The fact that this is being made a free speach issue is STUPID. The firehouse might be a home, but it's also a professional enviroment and you are free to keep your personal things on the inside.

Union Pres. says, "Stop treating us like children". If some guys hadn't acted like children and put offensive things on their locker this issue wouldn't have come up.

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the issue is not that they have stuff on the outside but that i am sure some guys have stuff that we shall say is "in questionable taste". There is no way they meant "NO MASS CARDS AND NO FLAGS".

I think that this issue should delt with on a 1 to 1 basis. if one guys finds something offensive then ask the guy to take it down. more over this is a fire house and the locker area is not for the public to see or be in. this would mean that it was an internal issue and should be delt like that. no need to make a huge deal about it. just say guys clean it up a little and maybe put the real questionable stuff on the inside of the locker.

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the issue is not that they have stuff on the outside but that i am sure some guys have stuff that we shall say is "in questionable taste". There is no way they meant "NO MASS CARDS AND NO FLAGS".

I think that this issue should delt with on a 1 to 1 basis. if one guys finds something offensive then ask the guy to take it down. more over this is a fire house and the locker area is not for the public to see or be in. this would mean that it was an internal issue and should be delt like that. no need to make a huge deal about it. just say guys clean it up a little and maybe put the real questionable stuff on the inside of the locker.

As a 28 plus year NYC employee, I've noticed a trend in the way they do certain things. As you said, some guys may have put items on the outside of their lockers which may be of a bit of a questionable nature. Unfortunately, the City's way of handling this is to go after EVERYBODY, insted of handling it with the individual(s) involved, the way they should and could.

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It's probably better for personal effects to be kept inside the locker, anyway. And, there's no extra effort to affix something to the inside of the door as opposed to the outside of the door.

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I have two comments: 1. Cassidy is once again exaggerating. The fact is some of his members do act like children (anyone remember the drunken chair to the head fight incident?) and I'm sure there are "inappropriate" materials posted. While these "children" do not rep FDNY as a whole, they are still members and their actions do reflect, esp when it reaches the public eye.

2. While I am a fan of decorating lockers and posting personal material, the firehouse is city property, and more importantly a working enviornment home to a community of people w/ varying beliefs and backrounds. The fact is what one finds funny or takes pride in might offend someone else. I hate broad sweeping policies like this, but w/ such a large dept, you can't cater to everyone's whims so a baseline needs to be set. I agree the city probably overdid it in their methods of discplining a small amount of people. I would have inintiated a department wide survey to see how widspread violations really were; since I doubt the entire department was in violatoin as the media portrayed, I would have dealt with violations on an indivual basis just like any other infraction.

Bottom line, the city backed down on the mass cards and flags (the important stuff), the union should do the same.

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i pretty much agree with nycemt. Cassidy is once again exaggerating. he comes out with these complaints, when he, himself, should remember the incidents in the past. stop acting like children, and you be wont treated like children. this isnt an attack on all city ff's, and it sucks that because of some, the whole has to pay the price... but use common sense here, out of 11,000 FF's, your def. going to come across a huge chunk of them being immature children. i've seen them, and i'm willing to bet that the majority of you have seen them or at least heard about them, whether your willing to admit it or not. heck, an ex-freind of mine who got on the job in the nyc barely a year ago, would go around bragging and flaunting how his firehouse had the best collection of p****'s in the whole entire city and i've even witnessed some watching the videos in the kitchen!

in the end, this wasnt an attempt to make the ff's feel like kids, but make clear to them that they should keep the personal effects (that MIGHT be offensive) out of sight and insde the lockers. of course mass cards and american flags should ALWAYS be accepted, and if they try to ban that, well, then you'd see a justified fight, but i doubt the city would ever do that. its a home, but its also a workplace, a city owned professional environment that represents and stands for your community.

like nycemt said, you cant cater to each individual in such a large dept...just as long as they allowed the important stuff and keep the offensive material out of public's eyes, there shouldnt be any problems...

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Would this be inappropriate or childish for my locker???


Just adding some humor to lighten the siltation.


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