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Living In Firehouse During Renovation

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My fire department (career-we live there) is planning to start a major renovation and addition this month. We plan on living and working around the renovation project. Or at least our Chiefs plan on it.

I'm looking for input from anyone that's been in a firehouse while it's under construction. I feel that this is dangerous and it comprimises the brothers health, especially with all the dirt, dust, chaos, and everything else that comes along with a renovation. Although I wouldn't be happy about living in a trailer for several months, I think it may be better then getting exposed to and living in a construction site.

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How many stations do you have? Would closing the station compromise the response time to the residents in the area if your company were relocated for the duration of improvement? Obviously the house needed this renovation and I'd be happy if they made improvements to my stations. Also, will the apparatus be left outside? Winter weather and outside storage of apparatus(diesel) do not mix well. If the apparatus will be in the bays, I wouldn't much complain about living in a trailer while the house is renovated. An improvement is an improvement. If relocation is a problem then the trailer is the way to go. Of course it depends on how many personnel will be living in it too.

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What kind of renovations are being done? Total tear apart the inside or they just remodeling certain areas? Also too if it is an older house built prior to the 50's you might have to worry about asbestos too, if it has not been already removed.

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What kind of renovations are being done?  Total tear apart the inside or they just remodeling certain areas?  Also too if it is an older house built prior to the 50's you might have to worry about asbestos too, if it has not been already removed.

We went through the same thing back in the early 90's. Contact the New York State Labor Dept. Public Empoyees Safety Administration-our OSHA.

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When my friends firehouse was renovated, there were leaks everywhere, dust covered everything, guys were getting sick.

It got so bad that they had to abandon their plans and move into a trailer.

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We only have one station that we can operate out of, so we can't relocate, and about 10 guys in the firehouse (Chief, Engine, and Truck with spare engine).

It's going to be a complete major renovation with an addition, from what I understand.

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Get details on all of the materials they expect to be handling on site. Demo is going to have the greatest potential for hazardous exposure. Make contact with OSHA and who ever CT's work place safety agency is. FInd out your acceptable limits for long term exposure to the materials they expect o be working with. Realisticly in any structure 30 years and older you're possibly looking at mold (if there's water damage), asbestose, cilica dust, fiberglass, and gypsum dust. And don't let them tell you that some exposure is necessary. Its all a money thing. I've done extensive construction in server rooms and around other sensitive electronics. We were required to produce no dust outside out work zone and we did it. It takes alot of tape, plastic, stick boards, and hepa filters; but its possible. Stay safe and good luck guys.

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We only have one station that we can operate out of, so we can't relocate, and about 10 guys in the firehouse (Chief, Engine, and Truck with spare engine).

It's going to be a complete major renovation with an addition, from what I understand.

What department? Give me a PM.

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