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Why Is The Public So Ignorant?

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Ok, so here's the scene that happened today. I am on winter break in my girlfriend's home town of Hendersonville TN. As I went out today to run some errands I came upon this scene: A green chevy blazer on its roof, mostly in the right lane of the road, but partly in the left, and then one of the wheels of the vehicle in the left lane. Yet, people were driving, nearly full speed right between the two. Upon seeing this, I parked my car and proceeded to direct traffic until the local authorities arrived. Meanwhile the five or six people who had witnessed the accident, and were just standing and staring did nothing. Even some of the people driving gave me dirty looks as if they couldn't understand why I was directing them away from this scene. My question is, are people just that stupid, to potentially put someones life in danger even more(assuming there might be someone in the car on its roof, luckily no one was, but there was no way to tell except up close) or even risk causing another accident thus amplifying the situation, or am I just out of my mind?

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Highway drivers generally have no concern for anything except getting from Point A to Point B... The phrase "Tunnel vision" is applicable yet again! far as you being out of your mind, I'm quite sure its only a genetic problem. biggrin.gif

PS- Your signature is not compliant with NIMS and you have been disqualified from any Homeland Security funding.

Edited by 242steve

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PS- Your signature is not compliant with NIMS and you have been disqualified from any Homeland Security funding.

I agree with the first part, but remember your the older sibling, so I take after you...and I kinda noticed that yesterday, I'll hafta think of a new signature...o well

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Ignorance is by definition the lack of knowledge. Unless you're somehow involved in emergency services people generally don't have a clue what to do at an accident. How many times have you seen a simple fender bender sitting in the middle of a three lane highway awaiting PD to arrive before they move so the officer can reconstruct the incident? Take these incidents as an opportunity to inform at least those few who stopped what they should do next time they see an accident. You'll never get everyone on the same page, but one more person couldn't hurt.

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Some of it's tunnel vision...but sadly, some of it is that many people really don't care anymore.

More than once lately I've taken calls in the dispatch center for auto accidents right in people's front yards. When I've asked the homeowner if anyone's hurt, they've replied they don't know. When I then proceeded to ask them if they could step outside and ask if anyone is hurt, they've actually replied in one case...I'm in my shorts, working out and I don't want to go outside, and in the other's cold out and I've only got slippers on my feet. When asked again, the person in his slippers still refused. Talk about someone being absolutely self-centered and useless. Bet they wouldn't appreciate that response if their family members were involved in the accident. Unfortunately, some people just don't give a crap unless the accident involves themselves or someone they know.

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What about the when you have to close down a road and detour people who only know one way to get to point B? How many want to stop and ask directions while 50 plus cars are lined up behind them and your job is to move traffic? The trucks just follow the long line of cars. Then there are the ones who think your just kidding and ask if you can sneak them through. What part of the road is closed and no don't these people understand?

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I guess Dutchess isn't much different then Westchester after all!

Not too long ago we were out on a rollover during rush hour on Route 9. I was putting out flares and someone asked me (no BS) "Why do you guys have this side of the road (NB) shutdown if the car is mostly on that side (SB)?" Mind you the car was sitting on the center median, I replied, "We have to do this because too many people driving home at night are half-awake and we don't want to get run over." Suprisingly, he said he saw my point and continued on his way. I am so glad that our explanation met his satisfaction....[/sarcasm]

AJS, I know exactly what you mean. Some of the guys from my company will remember this.... back in '96 we were on a wires down call on North Riverside Avenue and Bank Street. We close the road one block up and one block down. A woman who was jogging came up on one of our guys and said she had to get thru. When he told her that she couldn't, she pushed him aside and ran past him. She ran past the Engine, the crew, a Cop and the DOWNED LINE! When she jogged over the manhole cover she jumped up - apparently catching a little jolt. Luckily on the other end was another Cop who grabbed her and tore her a new one. wink.gif

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1997 or so 8:00am TSP SB b/t RT 134 Pinesbridge Rd. for the MVA into the woods with 1 ejected. The usual Briarcliff and Millwood units plus R-16 and a Y-town engine on the improper location given by the initial caller (in hindsight it was probably Yorktown's call technically by district line)

Lady went into diabetic shock and with her foot pinned to the floor she drove off the right side of the road and into a big tree and ripped the car and subsequently herself into a million pieces. She was Class 4 upon our arrival.

NYSP requested an investigation scene be set up...So myself and one of our Lt's (who eventually became one of the best cheif's I've ever served under) started turning traffic that was stopped around and sending them back NB to RT 134 to pickup a detour down to RT 100. It's going well for the first 30 or 40 cars until some lady trys to pull a basketball move with her car and fake left and accelerate right around us. We are lucky to get out of the way but she had to stop for another car infront of her... When we approached her window in anger at this point she rolls down and says "What could possibly be so bad up there that you are screwing up my morning and sending me on a wild goose chase"....

My Lt's reply was precious.... "Miss, it's pretty bad up there, an Airplane crashed into an Oceanliner and then got rearended by a Subway Train. The NTSB is all over this one and you'll make our job a lot easier if you'll turn your pretty little Mercedes around and try not to run over anyone on your way back to the detour."

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I guess Dutchess isn't much different then Westchester after all!

Ya got that right...not that different at all !!!!! Just call us "Westchester North"!!! rolleyes.gif

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