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Fire to Hyrdant Vs. Hydrant to Fire

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Never really understood why there is no standard for the set up of getting water to a fire. In some places you see the fire to hydrant technique and in others the hydrant to fire; why and what are the reasons. I would think that you would want you appratus closer to the fire building so that you can use tools and also so that the MPO can have a view of the fire scene. In addition you can keep the pump pressure lower by having the knob closer to the pump. But on the other hand you have to carry more wider diamater hose. Any other pros or cons to either method?

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All that is basic engine ops, a lot of things can change how you would innitiate an attack, depending on the way you pull up to the call where the hydrant is if you have to find another hydrant, one isnt working... your water source has poor pressure the list goes on.... Each situation dictates your attack.

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Most of the time the second due engine will drop 5 inch at the first due engine and bring the fire to the water. to keep the second due engine out of the way. But then again like you said it all depends on the situation.

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with no hydrants in Garrison, the first engine drops 5" going in at the begining of a driveway all the way in and locates just outside the collapse zone. The second engine hooks up and supplies the first.

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  ajsbear said:
with no hydrants in Garrison, the first engine drops 5" going in at the begining of a driveway all the way in and locates just outside the collapse zone. The second engine hooks up and supplies the first.

AJS, same here, but sometimes the second engine has to lay 5" from the fire if first engine does not lay in. so there is fire to water. In my district without a lot of hydrants all engines have "phantom pumpers" or 5"to 4-2.5"to5" on them. If we have to lay fire to water we drop it and pull all crosslays to the ground and go to water. That really never happens but we are prepared if it ever does. And going back to the original post, yes it would be a hassle to utilize the tools off the rig.


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  Scottyk107 said:
Never really understood why there is no standard for the set up of getting water to a fire. In some places you see the fire to hydrant technique and in others the hydrant to fire; why and what are the reasons. I would think that you would want you appratus closer to the fire building so that you can use tools and also so that the MPO can have a view of the fire scene. In addition you can keep the pump pressure lower by having the knob closer to the pump. But on the other hand you have to carry more wider diamater hose. Any other pros or cons to either method?

Scotty. Good question I added a post below , but as far as a standard , there are no standards that fire follows and each district will have a different need based on assets available to them.


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