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Spring Valley Engine 17-1750

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Today, I took a quick ride through Rockland County, and I got the chance to shoot this beautiful piece (if only the rescue was out too!)


Does anyone have the specs on this? Is it new...I didn't even know they had this!


Edited by x635

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I also shot Hillcrest's 6-1750

199? Pierce Lance



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  x635 said:
Today, I took a quick ride through Rockland County, and I got the chance to shoot this beautiful piece (if only the rescue was out too!)


Does anyone have the specs on this? Is it new...I didn't even know they had this!

itnteresting how the pump panel is inside and protected from the weather. very nice and semi unique engine..

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Hillcrest 6-1750 is a 1997 Pierce Lance...Specs on that are:

5 seat rear crew cab with rollup door compartment

1750 GPM waterous dual-stage pump

Akron foam system

1000 gallon poly booster tank

30 gallon foam tank

Onan 10kvo generator

TFT Extend-a-gun master stream

2 crosslays with 200 feet of 2"

Front preconnect water and foam line with 100 feet of 2"

Front dead-load of 100 feet of 2" with piercing nozzle

Rear hosebed consists of 800 feet of 5", 1000 feet of 3" with courtyard pack (gated wye and 100 feet of 2" preconnected in a horseshoe pack), 200 feet of 2 1/2" preconnected, 250 feet of 2" preconnected

Rear booster line with 200 feet of 1" behind a rollup door

4 Motorola HT1000 UHF radios

Bullard Thermal Imager with TV/VCR in crew cab to monitor signal transmission

Aim gas meter

Heartstart (AED) Defibrillator kit

Knox Box Sentra Lock behind officers seat to secure Knox key

TFT Foam Pac

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When I took a class in Rockland County a while back a guy from Spring Valley was in the class next to mine. He said that Spring Valley is broken down into different companies.

Here is a link to some of their rigs.

Engine 17-1750

2000 Spartan/Saulsbury 1750/1000

Columbian Engine Company No. 1

I honestly don’t know much about them since the guy I talked to was from Rockland Hook & Ladder Company.

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wide variety of manufacturers and colors...Red and White /Blue and White/Maroon and Yellow rigs. Sutphen, Spartan, ALF, Metz, International

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Anyone got a copy of the pictures with Peekskill E131 (Columbian Engine) and that Spring Valley (Columbian Engine) rig from their anniversary parade a few years ago? I think they took the pics in front of Peekskill Station 5.

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17-1750 was spied at Ossining this past summer!

Merry Christmas to all!


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