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Taking Care of Our Own

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I am reading the thread here about the holiday gathering that EMTBravo had and I am looking on my desk at all the upcoming Holiday parties going on.

I have one thought.

How many of you, agencies that is, take the time to thank your dispatchers for their help day in and day out?

If it is your PD, 60 Control, Putnam 911, 44 Control, whatever - do you go out of your way to stop in and say thanks?

I think we should all urge our Department / VAC bosses to reach out to their dispatchers and send them a little "something something" to thank them for their tireless efforts all year long.

I for one will be stopping into 60 Control around the holidays to give them a little treat. We all have big budgets in our Departments / Ambulance Corps - let's spend $100 and buy a wedge or some other delicious treat for our radio voices!!!

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My fire department (Belltown) always sends something down to dispatch where I work, the funny thing is, it never seems to arrive when I am working. Ever see what a cookie tray or wedge looks like the day after the vultures have eaten?

Each Squad (Shift) in the police department has a Christmas party somewhere locally, and the Dispatchers are always invited. I was at ours a couple of nights ago. Nice party, and I got to put faces with names for some of the new guys.

Seriously it is nice to see that Dispatchers are remembered. Belltown used to give individual gifts back when there wer 4 or 5 dispatchers, and we have pictures of several of the old time dispatchers attending our annual dinner and receiving some type of award. But at least for me what works better is a quick call to say nice job after a specific incident, that way you know you are getting the right shift, and you don't have to wait until Christmas. We have a couple of Police Lieutenants who make a point of doing this.

Edited by BFD182

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