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NYPD Emergency Services Deployment?

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One of the unique things about New York City are the NYPDS ESU units which in effect are both SWAT teams and Police Rescue Squads a virtually unknown service in the rest of the country.

I was wondering about how many REPS are assigned to each ESU squad?I had initially read in the Book on the NYPD ESU by Samuel Katz that 3 were normally assigned but as of the last year or so I had heard that 4 are.Occasionally I have been listening to the ESU/Special Operations Broadcasts on the Internet and the only REPS that I always hear dispatched are the "A"units which to me would be unusual as it would imply that there was only one REP on Patrol in the District and given the size of the ESU districts I would expect to hear some B,C and possibly D units dispatched.

Is the policy to only dispatch the "A" trucks and always leave the other REPS on patrol? I would assume that you would need at least 6 ESU men on the scene of a major operation just like the Fire Department Rescue's that run with 6 men on board

I have never heard any of the other REPS dispatched so far.

Am I correct that the Large ESU Trucks stay at the station unless called for and they respond with only a driver and a Seargant and while the Smaller REPS converge on the scene to make up the crew for the Large Truck?

I know that the REPS carry Hurst tools and respond to Extrications but it seems to me that a crew of 2 is a little to small to do an extrication and that they would need at least more then one REP to be dispatched just to get enough men on the scene.

I'm quite familiar the NYFD also responds on extrications depending on who is doing the dispatching at the time and if the ESU's are available or not.

Thanks Firepost

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i may be wrong but all i have seen in the bronx is truck 3 and the two other utilities and its usually 2 people per truck and if there is an incident they are usually all dispatched to the same location

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i may be wrong but all i have seen in the bronx is truck 3 and the two other utilities and its usually 2 people per truck and if there is an incident they are usually all dispatched to the same location

When you say the other 2 utilitie's do you mean the REP's or the small " RADIO EMERGENCY PATROL" vans? I know that there are 2 ESU Squads in the Bronx,numbers 3 and 4.When I say Squads I mean the ESU stations that has all of the units assigned to it such the BIg Truck and the REPS that run out of the same quarters.

Most of the dispatches that I have heard are for Heart Cases and EDP jobs.Of course I'm not from New York so I have to use my computer to listen to the ESU Channel on the internet. Thanks for the reply.

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Most trucks have 3 to 4 smaller REP assigned to them. How many are out depends on staffing availible. The large truck usually remains in the house until needed. that is staffed with a sergeant and one police officer. For a smaller accidents, one REP with a crew of two can handle an extrication, although if other units are availible they will respond to assist. As for dispatching only the A unit, I am not so sure how that works.

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ESS has 10 units running out of precincts, two in each borough, except for Brooklyn which has 3. Each Unit runs up to 4 REP's (Adam through David) and one big rig. There are also TRV's, MALT, etc., running out of those units.

ESU has expanded since 2001 and after Sam Katz' book. Officers are also distributed in conditions assignments, Hercules, Hammer and other teams for manpower and security details. ESU is also working with Harbor, Aviation and have a Haz Mat unit.

When you hear a job given to one unit it is because they are the primary, meaning that they are the rig covering that precinct. It does not mean only one unit is responding and also does mean that patrol units are likely already enroute. Depending on the job, the P.O.'s assigned to the big rig will bring whatever's needed from base.

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Just to expand on Truck 4.

Charlie -1, David -1, and truck 11 are Haz-mat trucks on the air.

Most of ESU's operations are kept very low key and there are two large stockpiles of officers and equipment stratigicly located throughout the city above the 10 stations. ESU's HQ is at Floyd Bennett field and holds a lot of equipment there. Much of ESU's response and levels are kept under wraps due to homeland security concerns and cannot be discussed to the general public or on chat forums.

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