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MVFD needs help with Excelsior

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I'm reaching out here for help on a issue that needs addressing:

If anyone has any juice with Excelsior please read carefully:

We have been using on the line a 1972 Mack 75ft. Tower for some 14 months now and our 1998 ( I think ) 100ft. Seagrave has been sitting around collecting dust,since a turntable seal let loose in Oct. of 2005 at the training center.

Now lets compare: 1972

Nixon was President

Gas Prices - low of 40.4 cents per gallon

Bob Newhart Show #1

Number 5 on the hit charts: candyman: Sammy Davis Jr. ( R.I.P)

I was 14 years old ( God I'm old )

We need this rig back in service as winter is coming and for our Safety.

The people of Mt. Vernon deserve better and no fault by the adminastration this issue needs resolve.

I ask if anybody out there doing this job is using a 1972 rig on the line anywhere in N.Y. state.

I ask that you guys give Excelsior a call and help us get this needed rig back in service.



Edited by jloftus

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Before any type of calls are made I have a few questions...

What's wrong with the truck?

What did they promise when you brought it there?(anytime frame time)

Have you contacted Seagrave?

Let me know ASAP... You can also PM me

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I'll try to be as accurate as possible;

Right now we have three issues with the rig

Broken Chassis bolts

tip of stick about 4 feet down has crack

return line of hyd. system is twisted causing heating problems in system. Been replaced a couple of times.

We need them to take this rig ASAP

And for Seagrave It appears no warranty issue???????

Thanks and Happy Holidays to you and your family

Edited by jloftus

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I ask that you guys give Excelsior a call and help us get this needed rig back in service.



I am curious why the department heads of MVFD don't call Excelsior themselves and get the truck serviced?

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Before we get to deep here understand I'm putting myself outthere and asking for help . Maybe I should or should not be doing this but I'd like to keep my butt warm this winter.

Several factors are in play here and finding fault means nothing getting this rig fixed is the bottom line.

I once again thank all

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We have got to establish a few things here.

1) Its not a matter of having "JUICE" at Excelsior, if you guys brought your rig in for service 14 months ago, I would think ( and I dont know all the dynamics here) that is unacceptable.

Having said that, your FD needs to step up and call Seagrave or Excelsior and find out what the hold-up is. I think your rig is newer than a 1998, in any case, you should have a time frame told to your dept as to how long the needed repairs are estaimated to take.

I commend you wanting to take initiative here and get your rig back, but its really out of your hands. The best you can do is talk to your apparatus maintence guys and have them stay on top of the situation.

Why say something after 14 months, and not 3 months or 6 months.

There has got to be more to this than you know, no offense intended.

Is your 1972 Mack your dept spare ? Maybe your dept can get a loaner from Seagrave ? I wouldnt worry about staying warm, ( nice , but not a job pre-requisite) I'd worry about safety with a 35 year old rig.

I know your FD has had its share of internal problems, but this one they should be on top of. What happens if the '72 Mack goes down? One truck company in your FD isnt gonna cut it.

The great members of this forum who have lots of knowledge may be able to offer more advice, but I feel you should start within your dept, pronto.

Good Luck!!

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Guys, here's the deal. We have nothing against Excelsior. They are GREAT! We're just left in the dark with a truck that's continouslly broken for reasons a lot of the time beyond their control.

We've heard rumors that Excelsior won't take the truck because there's financial issues with the City not paying for repairs. I hear that- enough times they've taken our Seagraves and taken hits for the bill. Some of the issue may even be with Seagrave themselves.

Excelesior has worked hard for us on this truck, they've even donated parts.

The reason for this post is because we want our truck back, and not be riding around in some 1972 open cab POS!!!!

The reason Jimmy posted this thread is because EVERYONE reads these boards it seems, and we are just trying to find someone to mediate or help. And, apparently it has worked since I hear our Truck is now going to Excelsior to get fixed ASAP as a direct result of this topic.

I know it seems many of us may complain a lot, but we are paid very low salaries, work in firehouses that are falling apart, with rigs that are falling apart, and on top of it all....with very little staffing and a lot of fires. We just need and want some help and are finding this place to be the best place to turn to, as proven here.

Thanks to some EMTBravo members this time, we got it. Hopefully Ladder 2 will be returning soon, fixed, ready to serve, and we'll have a closed cab truck with HEAT and an aerial that works properly!

Edited by VernFF

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Gotta go back to big lew

My cold butt matters to me.

second: posted I dont know how long ago. year maybe

Most important getting this rig fixed.

Im driving that wreck of a tower tonite and I dont need someone to tell me its uknsafe.


Happy Holidays !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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Sounds like whatever needed to happen is happening. Topic closed. Everyone have a nice holiday season! smile.gif

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