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Boarded Up: What Would You Do?

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Here's a photo of a house that I took yesterday while in West Springfield, MA.

According to a bystander, this house has been like this for months, and there's possibly squatters in it who gain access through a small basement window opening.

Now, you recieve a report of light smoke coming from the eaves of this house, and it's midnight. How would you handle this?



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I can tell you were the front door and windows are. Could be a good place for a peicing nozzle and some saws.

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Why would you board up a house like this? Is is of some historic value and they are trying to preserve it until they can do some real work?

Grab a pry tool and start pulling that plywood down (Starting by where the door is) and work my way around. Find windows, use chainsaws to get through if prying is too slow. Once guys are inside, don't send them too far with the smoke condition, let them open up from the inside close to where they gained access.

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This would be an exterior job. Chain saws to open up and vent, open the roof if you have a tower but without any real exits, stay outside. its too risky. Good chance the building isn't too stable either. Could be holes in the floors, piles of junk. Who knows.

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That seems really weird. I dont know who would do that.... Does anyone have any idea what is inside it? You better hope they are not storing something in there... could be gas, who knows? If you dont know whats in there, I'd be very careful

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Open up to get a visual. Vent as needed and knockdown using exterior attack.

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Is anyone thinking about calling the PD to respond in case there are squatters in the building and they've started a fire to keep warm - or worse, set up a clandestine drug lab?

How about thermal imaging? Would that be useful to identify potential hot spots before the aggressive exterior attack that seems to be the main idea?

Just some thoughts!


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Everyone is talking about an exterior firefight. I agree, no one goes into a box with no second means of exit, but efforts should be made to open it up and quick.

The original scenario included the possibility of squatters in the basement. Open it up, vent as much as possible and if able to, enter to search. ONLY IF POSSIBLE, but efforts should be focused on making this possible.

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Strictly defensive. I would call in a second alarm just for additional personnel to assist with opening up. As someone said, if I can get my aerial in place I would vent the roof and start getting the eaves opened up. Additionally I would cut the exterior near the ground. This old of a house and where it is says balloon frame construction to me. Once the building is opened up and egress is established, depending on how fire conditions are once that occurs is when I would think about getting a sold primary search. Otherwise its going to be VES if a quick scan of the room through what has been opened shows anything.

Risk little to save little

Risk a lot to save a lot.

No firefighter is worth that building. Yes squatters are persons too, and I would make every attempt to ensure the building was empty with the highest regard to my firefighters on scene.

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How about thermal imaging?  Would that be useful to identify potential hot spots before the aggressive exterior attack that seems to be the main idea.

good point ,not only for hot spots,but at night when its harder to see ,all of the windows and exterior doors would be pointed out under the sheething.

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