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Official Health Club Of The FDNY?

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While in Manhattan last night, I noticed this sticker on the door of NYSC (New York Sports Cliub) at 8th Ave and 29th street.

I was curious, what does this mean exactly? I know a while ago, NYSC offered free training to those preparing for the FDNY agility, but does this sticker mean anything else? Are NYC FF's given free access?

Why is it the "Official Health Club Of The FDNY"? This is the first time I'm seeing this.


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It's the offical health club because, they gave/give free access to the people taking the test.

From a 2003 Press Release

"New York Sports Clubs to donate over $4 million in services for FDNY recruitment initiative"

New York Sports Club $39/Month Memberships for FDNY!!!

FDNY "GET FIT" PROGRAM: The FDNY Health & Fitness Unit and New York Sports Club have a great membership offer for FDNY members and their spouses or life partners. The regular Passport Membership is over $70.00 per month and entitles you to use any of the over 100 clubs throughout the NYC area. This special offer is $39.00 per month, with a one time processing fee of $49.00. The processing/conversion fee is only $39 for FFs who are already NYSC members if their initial year commitment has passed. This offer is only available by phone. For info call the NYSC at 1-800-611-9833, ask for Kristen.

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