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Code 3 American Lafrance tillers

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gretings all...I was a member of the code 3 club almost since the begining but when my membership expired in early 2006 I never re-upped....actually I dont remember getting a notice that my membership was going to expire...untill I noticed my card over the summer had expired, of the last things I remeber being very interested in was seing some early pre production models of 1960 era American laFrance tillers in the newsletter they sent out. Anyone have any news about how this model is coming along or if it is still on the drawing board. I was not aware of the troubles code 3 is or were having untill I started reading these threads always thanks guys.

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Nobody seems to know what the deal is with that.....or if they do, they aren't saying. Hopefully it is still in the works.

However, the beans have been spilled. Next year, we will see ALF Eagle tillers!

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