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Kentland Maryland ( StaTion 33)

5 posts in this topic Their web site,

During a visit on saturday july 17th by Myself, HFD209, FFd260 and CM36, we learned alot of interesting things about this station, several of whihc i feel westchester departments or the county should look into, 1st off they are 100% volunteer and the 2nd bussiest engine company in the nation. they had a CAD dispatch system with about 20 live in members who actually live at the station, the interesting part is theat 15 seconds after hearing the tones they are out the door...15 sec's seems nuts but i saw it my self, they hang around all ready to go, dipatch inaddition to the CAD from prince george county includes led signs throught the station that give the box number and location along with nature of the call, also all members recieve text pages giving the same information... standing in station 33 we heard a few runs come in including a workin car fire, we heard the tone alerts, station 33 over the P.A. system, the dispatcher wasn't even done readin the location and the led screen had it as well as the members nextel phones...

i knwo we have similar stuff up here, but nothing like that nothign that supplements our dispatch systems which i think are not good, i think 60 should look into how prince george county does it..., Also i will say they are some of the nicest guys down there willing to show you around and even let u ride along, but lets just says its more then a ride( contact me for more on that) but take alook at the site and learn more about them and deffinatly recomend a vivit to station 33

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I ran in Southern PA (on the Emmitsburg MD border) during college and spent a decent amout of time in PG county. The volley/career system is great. Some stations (33, 34 etc) are all volley. Others are mixed (Station 12) others are all career. What it comes down to is that the level of training, motivation and the amount of action that these guys catch is in a totally different league than we are. Westchester county (both from 60 Control's standpoint AND that of the individual departments) could stand to learn a lot from the Volleys down around the DC / Balitmore metro area. Other places with GREAT systems include Montgomery County MD and Anne Arundel County MD.

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Wasn't Commissioner Kelly from that area?

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Former Commish Kelly was indead from that area. He was from either Prince George's County or Montgomery County. I don't remember exactly which it was.

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Pat was a Battalion Cheif in Baltimore County, Maryland.

Sounds like you guys had a great time, HFD211, and you got to see a really good system in action. Thanks for the report! :D

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