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Federal Signal "Rumbler"

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Does anyone have the Rumbler by Federal Signal on their apparatus?

We are thinking about putting it on the pickup we have as a trial to see if it really works.

It is supposed to give a "feeling" to siren tones.

I think it's going to be interesting to see how this trial turns out.

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I would like to know what exactly it feels like...? I am sure I will find out soon. Very interesting, thanks for sharing.

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I was driving by Northern Westchester Hospital yesterday when an Ambulance (didn't catch which corp, but it had LED lights on it) approached from the opposite direction with a different souding electronic siren. The actual sound was similar to the standard electronic siren, but it had a penetrating effect the electronic sirens do not have. Not as loud as a Q, but definitely does the job.

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good idea to get the cell phone idiots to hopefully its annoyoing enough to make them pay attention

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Also to get the attention of people with loud sound systems in their cars.....

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I was driving by Northern Westchester Hospital yesterday when an Ambulance (didn't catch which corp, but it had LED lights on it) approached from the opposite direction with a different souding electronic siren. The actual sound was similar to the standard electronic siren, but it had a penetrating effect the electronic sirens do not have. Not as loud as a Q, but definitely does the job.

I am not sure, but I know Federal makes a siren tone called manual I think.... It sounds just like the Q siren for the most part.

I wonder what people would think if you got behind them with some sort of apparatus and their car started vibrating... or what about cyclists on the road?

hmm interesting.

i cant wait to here about how this works

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I am not sure, but I know Federal makes a siren tone called manual I think.... It sounds just like the Q siren for the most part.

I wonder what people would think if you got behind them with some sort of apparatus and their car started vibrating... or what about cyclists on the road?

hmm interesting.

i cant wait to here about how this works

they have 2 ones called the EQ2b

and the other one is on the pa300 and its the peak and hold on the wail.

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The new Rumbler by Federal Signal is simply a sub woofer for sirens, and it will only work with Federal Signal brand sirens. They are mounted in pairs, primaraly on each side of the vehicle behind the bumper. They are very large similar to a basketball. Also they are not meant to be used ofr extended periods, not more than about 15 to 30 seconds at a time for intersections. I've been hearing these things a lot lately and it literally makes your stomach shake. The draw back i don't like is there are wide open holes to let the sound out, which also let everything else in where there is a plain and simple subwoofer speaker like you would find in a suround sound speaker system. You need a seprate control box in addition to your siren unit to make them work, running a couple hundred bucks.

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