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WCPD new Helicopter

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The photo credits for the above go out to Chris192

WCPD Just delivered Bell 407



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Cool... Does anyone know where they keep it? Or what their pan for it is?

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  bibbles10504 said:
Cool... Does anyone know where they keep it? Or what their pan for it is?


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The photo credits for the above go out to Chris192. He took them, and even though they are spreading like wildfire around the email fowards, let's remember they are his photos.

The helicopter is HOT! Anyone got details on it's capabilties?

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I am sure Chris192 was up there flying it already. Was that you up over the kensico dam thrusday afternoon about 1230-1300?

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Next time you buzz over Post 29 wave at me.

I was walking my dog the other day and I saw a Chopper do a few

circles overhead. I assume it was WCPD.


Awesome Bird! biggrin.gif

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Awsome Chopper/Bird!!!!!!

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Nice helo. I wonder if that's the same model Rockland is looking to purchase.

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  bibbles10504 said:
Cool... Does anyone know where they keep it? Or what their pan for it is?

they keep it westchester county airport at Signature flight supports hanger

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  WCDES636 said:
[attachmentid=1456][attachmentid=1457]WCPD Just delivered Bell 407

Awsome tool for the good guys! Edited by Azreal

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with the airport all the way on one side of the county what hours is this staffed & if only part time how fast can they be in the air if needed? is it equipped to do medevacs as well?

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  X615 said:
with the airport all the way on one side of the county what hours is this staffed & if only part time how fast can they be in the air if needed? is it equipped to do medevacs as well?

An official press conference is being held on Monday to announce the arrival of the aircraft and describe it's capabilities. It would be politically incorrect of me to trump the press conference by posting info prior to that.

I'll be more than happy to answer any questions or clarify anything after Monday's press conference.



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That would be awesome... I live in westchester, but am going to school in IN, and wont be able to see/ read about the press conference. If either Chris192 or anyone else post the info about the helicopter/ press conference that would be awesome!


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  bibbles10504 said:
Cool... Does anyone know where they keep it? Or what their pan for it is?

As someone already said, both helicopters are kept at the County Airport. The existing helicopter (the venerable 1967 Hughes OH-6) will be kept as a reserve ship and used when appropriate or when the 407 is in for scheduled inspections.

The 407's mission will be announced tomorrow in the Press Conference... (In other words, more info to follow!!! biggrin.gif

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Today, I had the oppurtunity to go to the officials & press unveiling of the new "Air 2".

Photos are posted,

Air 2 is awesome. It's a 2006 Bell 407. I'm sure Chris192 can elaborate more, but here are some of the features worth noting:

-Has a "Bambi Bucket" for brush fires.

-Has a winch/lift with harness and stokes

-Camera able to transmit live video to off site locations, such as County PD headquarters and EOC.

-Infared Tracking Camera

-A very large spotlight

-Ability to transport a patient in stokes, if needed

-Up to 4 members can repel off repellling bar at once (two on each side)

-Pilots have nightvision goggles

-Cargo hook

-Extensive inter-agency communications capability

-Detailed interactive mapping and navigation system

And a whole bunch of other state of the art technology. This is a really great asset for Westchester County in this day and age, and I'm sure it's going to make an impact on emergency operations. Thanks to members of the WCPD for helping me to get some great shots and explaining the different features.

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Wow. That is awesome, Thanks for the pix x635 they were really cool too.

Chris192 if there is anything you could elaborate on that would be great!


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  x635 said:
Today, I had the oppurtunity to go to the officials & press unveiling of the new "Air 2". 

Photos are posted,

Air 2 is awesome. It's a 2006 Bell 407. I'm sure Chris192 can elaborate more, but here are some of the features worth noting:

-Has a "Bambi Bucket" for brush fires.

-Has a winch/lift with harness and stokes

-Camera able to transmit live video to off site locations, such as County PD headquarters and EOC.

-Infared Tracking Camera

-A very large spotlight

-Ability to transport a patient in stokes, if needed

-Up to 4 members can repel off repellling bar at once (two on each side)

-Pilots have nightvision goggles

-Cargo hook

-Extensive inter-agency communications capability

-Detailed interactive mapping and navigation system

And a whole bunch of other state of the art technology. This is a really great asset for Westchester County in this day and age, and I'm sure it's going to make an impact on emergency operations. Thanks to members of the WCPD for helping me to get some great shots and explaining the different features.

Seth, I'm glad you found your press pass and were able to make it! I don't know what to add - you did a great job here... Perhaps you missed your calling as a reporter?!?!? Let's see you guys want details, huh? Be careful what you wish for...

The bambi-bucket can hold 180 gallons of water and be deployed either as a "spot" or "spray". 180 gallons may not seem like much but it amounts to almost 1500 pounds and when you compare it to a 5 gallon Indian tank, I understand why the wildfire guys like the airtankers so much!

The hoist can be used with a cinch-collar or stokes basket to extract a casualty from an isolated or inaccessible area (Might be a consideration next time there's a job at Camp Smith and you can't get to them). The hoist also has a camera to allow the crew to monitor and record what's going on down there. We all have new flight vests that have a harness integrated in them for when we need to be lowered to a victim/scene/deli/pizza place (just wanted to see if you're paying attention). cool.gif

The camera and downlink are probably the crown jewel of the aircraft. The FLIR 8500 has both a color camera for day/low light and an infrared imager for night "viewing". The zoom on the camera is really impressive for a non-military piece of equipment and the infrared capability makes it a 24 hour a day asset. For those unfamiliar, the infrared detects heat and converts it to essentially a black and white image based on temperature differences. So in the white hot mode, a bad guy running from the police looks really, REALLY bright against the surrounding environment - even more true at this time of year. Both types of images can be downlinked via a microwave transmitter to ground receivers. The Aviation Unit has two "suitcase" receivers that can be brought to an incident command post to allow on-scene viewing and a central fixed receiver will be installed to allow for viewing from the EOC and County PD HQ. All of these inputs can also be recorded for evidentiary use or training purposes.

Yes, the spotlight is very large - 30 million candlepower large - that's more than twice the power of our existing one (which is pretty bright). It too has an infrared filter that will allow it to be used with night vision goggles further enhancing the ship's capabilities at night. The night vision goggles will enhance flight safety and

The 407 is capable of transporting a litter - this is the same model that the State Police use all over the state as a medevac. We are NOT getting into the medevac business and are not equipped as an air ambulance but in a disaster (a real disater not just a cluster*#%&) we'll be able to transport one patient and an EMS provider - if necessary. If it wasn't clear enough, we're NOT getting into the medevac business!

The cargo hook secures the bambi-bucket to the aircraft. It can also be used to carry cargo/equipment to an emergency and secure a long-line for rescues if the hoist would not be appropriate.

The aircraft is equipped with six radios (yes, six - you should try listening to them all at once too!) - two for air traffic control (we operate in controlled airspace almost all the time) and four for emergency communications (VHF, UHF, 700/800 MHz) and yes, we'll even be able to communicate on the new trunked system! It's digital so we can communicate with Yonkers, Greenburgh, and other agencies with digital or encrypted communications. We can serve as a crossband repeater for interoperability until a ground based interoperability unit arrives or simulcast on multiple frequencies/bands (for example during a pursuit by the County in Yonkers or Mt. Vernon - different radio bands).

And finally, the moving map system - this is really cool. It's not for the pilot (he has his own navigation system), it's for the co-pilot/tactical flight officer. It has street maps, marine maps, topo maps, and can be loaded with GIS data and aerial photos as well. Street info can be overlayed on the aerial photos so we can compare what we're looking at to known info. If a bad guy is hiding behind 123 Main St, we can direct the good guys to the back of 123 Main St rather than trying to walk them into it - that can be an interesting broadcast to listen to... Now go through the yard on your left, no your other left... biggrin.gif

Finally (are you really still reading all this??? Wow, you have a great attention span) there are rappel hard points on both sides of the aircraft that can be used by ESU or SWAT guys who want to jump off a perfectly good helicopter. Seriously, this can be great if we need to put guys onto a roof or high-rise.

OK, I think I've rambled on more than enough... In conclusion I'd just like to again thank Seth for his coverage and let everyone know that though we're a "police" helicopter, we're here to support all the first responders in the County! We should be doing some "outreach" training and public relations this winter so everyone knows how to reach us and use us to our full potential.

If you have any questions in the meantime, feel free to e-mail or call the unit office at 914-995-3576.


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"Bad boys, Bad boys

Whatcha gonna do,

Whatcha gonna do,

When WCPD Air 2 comes for you"


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  RWC130 said:
"Bad boys, Bad boys

Whatcha gonna do,

Whatcha gonna do,

When WCPD Air 2 comes for you"


I think my speakers are broken - I turned the volume way up but didn't hear that!


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Very cool piece of equipment. It will certainly be a great asset. Now Orange County just needs to get one and we'll be in business.

I was just wondering, is this aircraft going to be used for medivacs now? tongue.gif

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Dont forget all. Using Chris192 catch line

Call for Air Support Early and Often!!!

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Is the plan for 24hr coverage? Or is it only 8x4 / 4x12?

I know air 3 was only available until mids,unless a special request was made,and a callback was approved...

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Just wondering it seems like some of the functions would require two people to operate. I was under the impression the old copter was a one man show are there plans to add a second person in the copter?

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  PCFD-2393 said:

Is the plan for 24hr coverage?  Or is it only 8x4 / 4x12?

I know air 3 was only available until mids,unless a special request was made,and a callback was approved...

We're still staffing two tours but vary alot due to operational requirements. We also work at other times (for example, we may work til 4 AM on Friday or Saturday nights) but we're not going to divulge all our operational practices for obvious reasons.

As for off hours, we'll respond to a request as quickly as possible.

Alot of this will depend on mission requests - if we're getting calls, I'm sure we're going to adjust our operations accordingly.

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  turk182 said:
Just wondering it seems like some of the functions would require two people to operate.  I was under the impression the old copter was a one man show are there plans to add a second person in the copter?

We've always tried to operate with two member flight crews but that wasn't always possible in our early years. In the old helicopter the only equipment that couldn't be used was the FLIR by a single pilot. You're right, the new helicopter requires a crew of two (sometimes three for rescue ops) and we'll be staffed accordingly.

Again, we're not going to discuss all our operational practices in this forum for obvious reasons.

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are the officers on the helio cross trained in rescue for use of the stokes and all or would they put a firefighter or someone trained up in the copter if it was necessary?

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