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The real reason fire trucks are in parades

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Oct 27, 9:04 AM EDT

Cub Scouts' truck in parade catches fire

BATH, Pa. (AP) -- Cub Scouts in Pack 55 got a real fright in their Halloween parade, and later an award from the mayor, when the flatbed truck they were riding on caught fire.

Mayor Betty Fields said the parade had started normally Tuesday night and had gone about 500 yards before flames erupted.

"All of a sudden the back of the truck started on fire," Fields said Wednesday.

Fortunately, the parade contained fire trucks. The Klecknersville Rangers Volunteer Fire Co. was behind the Cub Scouts and quickly snuffed the flames.

Firefighter Jason Harhart said it was unclear how the fire started. No injuries were reported. Fields said the parade continued on, and she gave the Cub Scouts a loyalty award for sticking with it.

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Assuming the fire truck(s) responding to this fire used their warning devices....would they have been disqualified from judging?!

What about the Cub Scouts - did they earn any badges for "Parade Float Firefighting?"

Man, I will be checking for this one!

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Judges didn't see the Lights or hear the Siren but they

did notice the DIRTY HOSE! tongue.gif

Glad everyone is OK.

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