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Using AOL Browser? Having Login Problems? Please Read

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If you are using the AOL browser to view this site, you may/will experience several problems while trying to log into, view or use this site due to the configuration and restrictions of the AOL browser.

It's been commonly reported that users of the AOL browser cannot stay logged in. This is a common problem for PHP scripted sites, since AOL's proprietary browser is very outdated and limited. The resolution thats worked for this problem is stated below.

We highly reccomend using Microsoft Internet Explorer 5+, Netscape Navigator, or Mozilla for using this forum.

Any additional log-in or any other issue, please contact

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I've been doing a lot of investigation into AOL 9.0 and spending a lot of time online with customer support at AOL trying to figure out what half the crap is that they load into memory when you bott your computer. AOL just plain sucks. Don't use it unles you absolutely have to. I uninstalled it from my laptop and wow did it run a lot faster. AOL loads modules into memory everytime you turn on your machine. Modules that you shouldn't have to put up with. I suggest you ditch AOL 9.0 and complain to AOL customer service. I was going to downgrade AOL 8.0 but ripped out most of the "crap" and things seem to have imporved, tho they are not 100%. If not for the wife, I'd have given AOL the boot a long time ago.

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Share on other sites was 4am and I was trying to setup an email only machine and I just needed to rant. If anyone needs help "cleaning house" on thier windows machine let me know....I've been doing it a lot lately. It's amazing how much faster a machine runs just by clearing out your temporary internet files.

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