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Propane Inferno Enveloped W.P. houses PFP 1994

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The other day - I heard the audio of 46.26 radio from this alarm.

Operator 614 working at 60 Control. 6one4

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I saw CPAGE on the scene.

Photos and newspaper information to follow....... :rolleyes:

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I saw CPAGE on the scene.

Photos and newspaper information to follow....... :rolleyes:

Yes I was there that was some night I worked with the crew from West Harrison.

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I was there too.... R-36 with the cascade for bottles. I'll never forget the doubletake that I did when I heard the tones drop... M/A to the City of WP???? What? Obviouslly everyone else did too b/c we had ten on the rescue that night and left two full crews behind as well.

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Next day

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If memory serves, we were toned out for M/A to The City of White Plains for a plane crash in the city. 60-Control updated us enroute that it was a tanker explosion.

That was definately one of those jobs you'll never forget....

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