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Greenwich CT- Working Fires 10/6/06

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Date: 10/6/06

Time:Appx. 20:45 hrs.

Location: 1076 East Putnam Ave.

Frequency: 154.175, 800mhz

Units Operating: E1, E2, E3, E5, E51, E8, T1, L4, L10, P2

Description Of Incident: Working Fire in a 3 story wood frame commercial. Flames through the roof. Fire was mainly in the attic area. Still operating as of 23:30 hours. While this fire was going on, a call came over for another possible fire.

Writer: Zinger57

Date: 10/6/06

Time: Appx. 22:30 hours

Location: 324 Greenwich Ave.

Frequency: 154.175, 800mhz

Units Operating: E31, E41, E61, E72, E8 (moved from other scene), Stamford Fire E3, T3, Deputy

Description Of Incident: PD report of smoke in the building at 324 Greenwich Ave. Stamford Fire Rescue was called in for mutual aid, but were returned upon arrival. Small fire in commercial building under construction. Fire was extinguished by the sprinkler system. However, a lot of water damage. A larger structure fire was going on while this call was received at 1076 East Putnam Ave.

Writer: Zinger57

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