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Evans Mills Ambulance Repossessed Amid Money Woes

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The Evans Mills Ambulance Squad is in financial trouble--so much so that one of the squad's two ambulances has been repossessed.

According to Pat Collette, communications officer for the squad, Sovereign Bank financed the 2003 ambulance.

He said the squad was two months behind on its payments for the vehicle, but the bank was okay with it.

Collette said the squad decided to sell the ambulance and replace it with a cheaper vehicle.

He said a potential buyer took the ambulance for a test drive Sunday.

The 'buyer' turned out to be a repo man, according to Collette.

Collette said the repossession of the ambulance came as a shock.

He said the loss means the squad will have to depend more on the mutual aid it receives from ambulance services in Philadelphia and Pamelia.

Collette said the Evans Mills squad responded to 700 emergency calls last year.

As for the financial problems, Collette said the problems started approximately two years ago.

He said the squad has had trouble recouping insurance payments. He also admitted that members of the squad lack expertise in finance.

Meanwhile, Leray Town Supervisor Ron Taylor said he's very concerned--not only about the loss of an ambulance, but about the financial problems facing the squad.

He called an emergency meeting Monday to discuss the situation with town board members.

According to Taylor, the ambulance squad received $25,000 from the town last year as part of the contract between the two parties.

Taylor said the squad asked for and got another $20,000.

In return, Taylor said the squad was asked to give the town a month by month accounting of its finances--something the squad has not provided.

According to Taylor, the ambulance squad received $55,000 in insurance payments in 2005.

This year, the payments are less than half that amount, Taylor said.

The ambulance squad, which is made up of 40 to 50 volunteer members, also receives funding from the town of Pamelia.

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