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Adjusting To Not Being A Probie...How To Address?

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Recently, I got off my probationary period (succesfully) at my (career) FD.

Now, I recieved plenty of advice on etiquette as a probie, but now that's so instilled into me that I'm not sure, or I forget how to address people respectfully as a non-probie.

Outside of the firehouse and off duty, do you address your deputy chiefs or officers as "Cap" or "Dep" , or by their first name?

Additionally, do you address officers from neighboring or other departments by their rank or just by their first name, since their not your officer?

I believe in showing respect, but at the same time I don't want to be ridiculous. I'm aware that the senior men just call these guys by their first name, but that's mostly because they served with them for a long time on the line before they were officers.

Edited by x635

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I always subscribed to the belief that if the person to whom you're speaking is a superior, then you address them by their associated rank, regardless of whether or not they are from your department. It's usually the other person's choice to let you use his or her first name, at least the way I see it. So, if I am out in public, then I always call my superior officers by their rank unless they say otherwise.

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Here is my 2 cents. You are now the junior man which is not far from probie. The only difference is now they need a reason to fire you wheras before they could do it for any reason they wanted. When you are working you should address all officers as they are ie Deputy, Captain, or LT. When you are off duty you can address them on a first name basis except the Chief, he should always be called Chief. If you can not draw the line between on duty and off duty you should address all officers by their rank. You cannot become to comfortable in calling them by their first name and think you can get away with it on scene. When you are out of town you should always address them by their rank because they have earned that right. (remember it is only a phone call away to your Chief,Capt, or Lt from "that other depts officer") In time, as you get more time on the job and watch the guys you work with move up the ranks you will know what is the right and wrong thing to say. Congratulations on getting off probation:D biggrin.gifbiggrin.gifbiggrin.gifbiggrin.gif

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Boss, Cap, Chief, if you're in or out of quarters. Unless you knew the guy from way back when and it's ok for you to address them by their first name.

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I'm in bascially the same situation as you are. I have to agree with that has been said in regards to your question. I always address a superior (even in social situations) as Chief, Cap and LT (or Lieu). The only way I would'nt is if they said to call them by their first name.

The area where I slip up the most is guys who have been recently promoted. I am so use to calling them by their first name some times I slip and forget to use LT, but I'm working on it.

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On a personal note, I have always been kind of taken aback when people call me, "Boss". Since most of my subordinates are either close to my age or older than me, I'm more confortable with being called Jimmy, or one of my nicknames.

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Recently, I got off my probationary period (succesfully) at my (career) FD.

Now, I recieved plenty of advice on etiquette as a probie, but now that's so instilled into me that I'm not sure, or I forget how to address people respectfully as a non-probie.

Outside of the firehouse and off duty, do you address your deputy chiefs or officers as "Cap" or "Dep" , or by their first name?

Additionally, do you address officers from neighboring or other departments by their rank or just by their first name, since their not your officer?

I believe in showing respect, but at the same time I don't want to be ridiculous. I'm aware that the senior men just call these guys by their first name, but that's mostly because they served with them for a long time on the line before they were officers.

When in doubt err on the side of respect. As the time goes by you will learn what's appropriate and as you work with each officer you will get the feel of how they would like to be addressed. But always remember the "kitchen table" is one thing but the street is another. And that advice is relevent to more then just titles.

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you got good advice always error on the side of respect---even if you think some of the chiefs are full of them selves--right Homer--- respect the rank if not the person.

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Just go along with what you've read. Basically its not up to you, they will let you know if they want something less formal. You just do what you've been doing and they will let you know. I'm sure you've picked up on what some of the senior guys say in regard to contractions of rank. Again, you have default to that. I know a lieutenant that hated being called lieu (lou), he either wanted it fully said or 'LT' and a Captain that when someone called him 'Cap' he'd ask you "Do I have a f**king bill and logo on my forehead."

Play it by ear and call them by title.

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A lot of it is common sense. If you're at any kind of work related function or you're in uniform (including social ones like installation dinners, etc.), I would use their title/rank.

If you run into your Captain at the mall, use his first name.

If you introduce your girlfriend to your Chief, use his name and title - "this is my Chief, Bob".

If you're out for beers together, use their name.

Believe me, if they want you to address them a certain way, they'll tell you!!! If you're courteous at all times and professional in uniiform/at work, you should have no problems!

My two cents.

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even when im at the fire house i call them by there first name

inless its a chief....

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