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Yonkers - 2nd Alarm - 9/21/06

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Date: 9/21/06

Time: 05:05

Location: 27 Garfield Street (Cross of William)

Frequency: 46.50 / 484.7125

Units Operating:

INITIAL: E306, E303, E312, E307, L74, L71, R1, B1, Safety

SECOND: E304, E309, L75, Car 3, B2, MSU

Description Of Incident: Fire in Three Story Wood-Frame OMD w/ fire running the cockloft.

Writer: 1075thebox

05:11 - Second Alarm transmitted

05:12 - Safety Battalion (for Bat. 1) reporting heavy fire condition, 4 L/S/O, exposure issue with #2 side which is a similar building with a 6 foot yard. Primaries negative.

Exposure 1 - Street

Exposure 2 - 3 St. wood frame OMD w/ exposure problems.

Exposure 3 - Rear Yard

Exposure 4 - 3 St. wood frame OMD

05:15 - Battalion 2 & Car 6 10-84. E309 FAST.

05:19 - 2nd Alarm units w/ masks & tools to front of building on arrival.

05:50 - Companies picking up, fire U/C.

Edited by 1075thebox

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