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Tools Of The Trade: Firetrucks Airs Tonight On NGC

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The National Geographic Channel will air the program Tools of the Trade: "Fire Trucks" this Thursday, September 21, at 8:00 pm ET/PT.

The teaser for the show reads, "From towering bucket trucks to high speed airport rescue vehicles to the high-tech wildfire firefighting truck, when lives are in danger, firefighters rely on cutting-edge Tools of the Trade to respond to the age-old problem of putting out fires.

NGC joins the Phoenix Fire Department on some critical fire rescuing missions to examine these high-tech trucks, including an American LaFrance Eagle Pumper that can pump up-to-1,250 gallons-per-minute and reach speeds up to 70 mph".

The show is repeated Thursday night at 11 p.m. and Saturday, September 23 at 4 p.m. Thursday, November 16 at 9:00 p.m. and Friday, November 17 12:00 a.m.§ionId=46

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Just a heads up, this show airs tonight.

8PM & 11PM, National Geographic Channel.

I believe Cablevision Westchester Channel 162 (NGC is on Digital IO)

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I saw the show the other night. I thought it was basically a good show. My only real complaint was that it was very Brand Specific. I don't know if there was any reason other than just getting the names correct, but much of the tools and apparatus they discussed were called by their brand names.

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I was disappointed in the program and if I had been interviewed about various things and they kept highlighting the competitors product i would be a disturbed.

I also found that the show's dictating did not come even close to what was on the screen at the time.

I was overall disappointed, The public that was watching that was mislead about a number of things and really did not display the fire service in a favoable fashion.

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