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Harrison on Pierce site?

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Take a look at this link on pierce's website a few firefighters are standing around on the 2nd or 3rd page, right side (depending how you look at it), one has Harrison on their back with a 12 on the back of the helmet, the other recognizable one has TMFD to the left of the Harrison guy. Could these be westchester firefighters?

Edited by cas2383

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Could be anywhere. Lots of Harrisons in the USA.

Don't think any Harrison NY guys would be caught dead wearing a Metro!

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I don't know much about Westchester depts, but I do know from looking at the pics on this site that Harrison doesn't have any Pierce rigs, and neither does Mamaroneck. I highly doubt Pierce would feature depts that have Seagrave rigs in their latest sales brochure. And oh yeah, the gear and helmets don't seem to match either. So I'm, it's not them.

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I was thinking the same thing about the rigs. Interesting...

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