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9-yr old arrested in Yorktown: punched mom

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OK, where do I start? Can a 9-yr old be arrested for punching his own mother?? dry.gif How do you bring yourself to call PD to arrest your own 9yr old son? blink.gif How do you get to the point where he's so out of control that you can't pull over and have a "one on one" w/the kid? huh.gif

I'm confused on this one guys......

Arrested: 9-year-old Yorktown boy, after hitting his mom



(Original Publication: September 15, 2006)

YORKTOWN — A 9-year-old boy was arrested after punching and slapping his mother while she was driving, almost causing her to crash the car, police said today.

The Yorktown boy, whose name police did not release because of his age, was charged with juvenile delinquency, with the underlying charge being reckless endangerment, a misdemeanor, Lt. Donald Schuck said.

Police said the mother called them around 4:30 p.m. Monday to report that her son was hitting her as she drove on Baldwin Road.

After conferring with the Westchester County District Attorney's Office, police decided to charge the boy as a juvenile delinquent with hopes that the family could receive counseling through the Family Court system, Schuck said.

The boy was held temporarily at youth shelter after his arrest, police said. He appeared Wednesday in Westchester County Family Court.

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OK, where do I start? Can a 9-yr old be arrested for punching his own mother?? dry.gif  How do you bring yourself to call PD to arrest your own 9yr old son? blink.gif  How do you get to the point where he's so out of control that you can't pull over and have a "one on one" w/the kid? huh.gif

I'm confused on this one guys......

well as what you just told us here it sound like the boy has some kinda of ADD of some soft but really calling the cops on your own 9 year old son. thats out of control unless he was really out of control. dry.gif

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I guess stopping the car and beating the sh!t out of this kid was out of the question.

What ever happened to parents who ruled the roost with an iron fist?? I'm your mother/father, not your friend. You acted up, you got spanked. Granted get the kid some help, but to have him locked up?? That shows me the parents have zero control and should be slapped upside the head as well.

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I guess stopping the car and beating the sh!t out of this kid was out of the question.

What ever happened to parents who ruled the roost with an iron fist?? I'm your mother/father, not your friend. You acted up, you got spanked. Granted get the kid some help, but to have him locked up?? That shows me the parents have zero control and should be slapped upside the head as well.

As a parent of a 14 year old we are faced with a liberal society that will lock you up for raising a hand to your kid allthough those who know me know what would happen to my son if he ever raised his hand to his mother. Not knowing the circumstances of this incident there could be more than what was printed in the paper but something isn't right for it to happen.

I was given advice from someone when my son was have to put fear in thier hearts the day the are born and stay on them always. You also have to spend time with your kids. Seems to work as I have never hit my son with the excpetion when he ran into the street at the age of 5 and he never ran in the street again. Better the back of my hand on his a** than a car hitting him.

I hope things work out for this family.

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I hope things work out for the COP. Do you know how much paperwork that is!!!!?

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Thank you Dr. Spock (not the Star Trek guy, the baby doctor) for saying its not ok to swat your kids when they area bad. I very rarely got a swat on the backside but when I did I knew I messes up royally (only 4 times in my life I got a spanking)

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WOW!! I am surprised he wasn't hit with a taser gun, slammed against the hood of the patrol car cuffed. JUST KIDDING...Seriously how the hell can you let a cop lock up your 9 year old son and hold him? WTF was she thinking?

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Technically, and in the law, the kid wasn't "arrested" but detained. Any kid under 18 can be "detained" by law enforcement for his/her own protection as determined by the officer. The boy isn't going to be prosecuted in the adult sense, because the juv. justice system is designed to keep kids out of jail and get them help. The idea is that a child is still a child, no matter what he/she has done--and shouldn't get anywhere near an adult jail. Plus, it takes a lot of time and getting into a lot of trouble on the kid's part for him to even get close to a juvenile detention center (not a "jail").

All juvenile procedings are confidential, so we don't know what has led up to this. The boy may be out of control, the parents may not know what to do with him, the schools may have seen problems, etc. etc. It sounds like the "arrest" was made in a sort of 'scared-straight' attempt. If this is his first encounter with law enforcement, he'd get what is called a "station adjustment"--a lecture by a juvenile officer in the station. The paper trail of this wouldn't even appear after the "station adjustment", unless it were the second, third, etc., round of lectures. Then the adjustment is recorded on a state database. Sometimes, depending on what time it is/what day it is (i.e., a weekend or the middle of the night) kids can be placed in "protective custody", which can be anything from an adult from outside the family who is listed on a state/municipal list of people qualified to take temporary custody of the boy, or an overnight in a juvenile detention center.

And yes, if you beat the crap out of your kid, you will be contacted by law enforcement. Just because you are of adult age doesn't mean the law doesn't apply to you too. An assault is an assault, and technically kids aren't responsible because they are kids--but adults are.

Edited by Guidance1

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it's very simple. We all got a slap on the butt when we were little and out of control right. Get some sack, and teach the kid who's boss. I mean DON"T BEAT THE KID. But enough to say if you do this again this is what you'll get. And that's how commen sense is born. We all know that when we were little and your mom told you not to touch that it's hot. rolleyes.gif and we did it anyways. ohmy.gif We learned to listen to our mother and not to do it again. This kid need's to be taught a lesson that you must and will listen to people older then you b/c your little and we're big. it's that simple. cool.gif

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it's very simple. We all got a slap on the butt when we were little and out of control right. Get some sack, and teach the kid who's boss. I mean DON"T BEAT THE KID. But enough to say if you do this again this is what you'll get. And that's how commen sense is born. We all know that when we were little  and your mom told you not to touch that it's hot. rolleyes.gif  and we did it anyways. ohmy.gif  We learned to listen to our mother and not to do it again. This kid need's to be taught a lesson that you must and will listen to people older then you b/c your little and we're big. it's that simple.  cool.gif

Slap on the butt? Wish I was that lucky. I got whatever was within reach of my parent's hands. My mother who was all but 5'1" had a left hook that would put Mike Tyson to shame smile.gif

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When I meant beat the sh!t out of the kid, I guess I misconstrued what I meant. I meant a SEVERE spanking. My mom was 5'4 and she also used any weapon in sight. Her tools of the trade included spoons, wooden and plastic, coat hangers, and the dreaded wiffle ball bat.

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