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Guest bibbles10504

Plastic or Leather Helmet or boots

37 posts in this topic

I know there is a lot of debate about which helmet is better. I just wanted to know what everyone else thought. And maybe if you could say why, that would be good. I've only had plastic, so i'm not sure.

Also, so we dont need to make a whole new topic... what do you think is better? Rubber boots or leather boots?


Edited by bibbles10504

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Unless your willing to spend alot of $$$ for a leather Helmet, I say go for it but I think the plastic gets the Job done. Leather Boots are Def worth the $$$.

Thanks bibbles for adding the boots wink.gif

My Stuff:

Cairns 1010 Helmet

4000 Warrington Pro Leather Boots

Edited by NRFDTL11Buff

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Leather boots without a doubt...

Edited by JBJ1202

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Leather boots all the way... As for leather helmets,I had one and put it away for now. I use the Ben II and I have no complaints.

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Leather boots without any question or hesitation.

As far as the helmets, I prefer leather myself. The original New Yorker with Bourkes that is, before they started adding all the junk to it like ratchets, face shields, goggles, heavy impact caps, etc. My helmet is around 20 years old, fits like a glove and is very light compared to the newer leather lids.

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Boots: comparison. My preference, warranton bunker style. I had zip ups, but without gear that accomodates them takes time to put them on. However I did like wearing them as a station boot also. I've worn Ranger in the past and wore them out quickly, where the warratons have lasted me. One thing with leather boots, you need to protect the toes in training, especially on concrete, or it will destroy them quickly.

Helmets: In my heart and mind I'm a leather guy. But at a price. Not just the wallet either. As res6cue said, with the weight of the newer helmets, after pronlonged use I pay for it with a head ache and neck pain, due to a neck injury. The plastic helmets are growing on me, same design much lighter, with the same good look. They are also easier to clean.

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guys not to be a nit picker but there are several different helmet materials: leather, fiberglass, kevlar, thermal plastic and mock leathers (fiberglass w/ leather coating). For starters thermal plastic helmets I don't like thermal plastic helmets for firefighting even if they are lighter they just don't offer the protection of a fiberglass helmet. Fiberglass helmets are great and are the norm (660C, 1010, 1044, etc) they are usually reasonably priced and offer good protection. Also with the invention of through the mold coloring these helmets stand up alot longer. Kevlar reinforced helmets are great. They offer alot more protection at the same weight but have two huge draw backs: high prices and extended lead times (1000 & invader). Leather helmets are great and can offer alot of protection if taken care of. Remember the strength of leather is lost when guys neglect maintence for that "salty" look. I spent the big bucks for a leather Cairns Sam Houston I figure getting the extra impact protection was worth it over the New Yorker. Now for the big bash, fake leather helmets should be outlawed. They are dangerous. They do not allow for the fiberglass inside to be inspected after it takes a hit. To wrap up on helmets I personally believe that the Cairns 1044 is the best bang for your buck on the market.

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  alsfirefighter said:
  They are also easier to clean.

I know it says to clean your helmet in the book that the helmet comes with. But The perfect helmet is burt one you know all black and scuffed, stickers peeling, maybee a little melted Bourker, a front shield that you can barley read, and a nice smell to it.

Dont get me wrong though safety comes WAY before looks. Clean em once and a while like the book acctually says. Be sure Keep the smell to it wink.gif. No not the sweat smell laugh.gif .

Edited by NRFDTL11Buff

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  NRFDTL11Buff said:
I know it says to clean your helmet in the book that the helmet comes with. But The perfect helmet is burt one you know all black and scuffed, stickers peeling, maybee a little melted Bourker, and a nice smell to it.

Dont get me wrong though safety comes WAY before looks. Clean em once and a while like the book acctually says. Keep the smell wink.gif

Except for the tiny fact that all that cool looking junk on your dirty, smelly helmet contains hydrocarbons and carcinogens. Enough buildup of hydrocarbons on your helmet or gear can cause it to ignite inside a fire. The carcinogen thing is self explanatory, but just remember how close your helmet is to your head as you inhale all that crap. Burnt or faded stickers means they lose most of their reflective properties.

I'm not trying to burst your bubble, I'm as big a fan of nostalgia and firefighter bravado as the next guy, but in today's day and age with all the nasty crap burning inside fires, the line has to be drawn somewhere. Therefore, I'm a bigger fan of cleaning helmets and gear frequently.

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  res6cue said:
Except for the tiny fact that all that cool looking junk on your dirty, smelly helmet contains hydrocarbons and carcinogens. Enough buildup of hydrocarbons on your helmet or gear can cause it to ignite inside a fire. The carcinogen thing is self explanatory, but just remember how close your helmet is to your head as you inhale all that crap. Burnt or faded stickers means they lose most of their reflective properties.

I'm not trying to burst your bubble, I'm as big a fan of nostalgia and firefighter bravado as the next guy, but in today's day and age with all the nasty crap burning inside fires, the line has to be drawn somewhere. Therefore, I'm a bigger fan of cleaning helmets and gear frequently.

I understand what your saying. But thats also why I said to clean our Helmets like the book said & Safety comes way before Looks. Also not trying to pop your bubble or whatever you said.

Edited by NRFDTL11Buff

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  alsfirefighter said:
  ... One thing with leather boots, you need to protect the toes in training, especially on concrete, or it will destroy them quickly.

whats a good way to protect your toes in training? i got leather boots and will never go back to rubber. it's like walking on the moon in those things.

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Leather boots are a must. Save your feet and back with decent boots. As for the helmet, I have a N5A and its great. It certainly is heavy and comes at a very high price for what is mostly a tradition thing. Still glad I got it though. THe on practical plus is that it fits more snuggly on your head.

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Without a doubt, LEATHER boots are the way to go. I have only a few members not outfitted into them from the Rubber Rangers. We tried a few makes Warrington, and a Italian make can't remember the brand? But settled on the Warringtons. Like ALS stated watch the toes, I wore out my toes in (5) years crawling around the FTC. My new guys are going to get the Warrington 5000 which provide the toe cover and are easier to get into with a wider calf. Helmets all members are provided with a 1010 with ESS goggles, Chiefs are modeling 1044's which seem to be somewhat lighter, and probably what we'll eventually switch into.

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Definite on the leateher boots...they are the best

I just got my first leater helmet so far so good but it is heavier. I think they fit better but a lot more $$$$

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whats a good way to protect your toes in training? i got leather boots and will never go back to rubber. it's like walking on the moon in those things.

they sell rubber slip on toe protectors for training purposes.

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whats a good way to protect your toes in training? i got leather boots and will never go back to rubber. it's like walking on the moon in those things.

Click This For The Toe Protectors

Edited by NRFDTL11Buff

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  gss131 said:
that was quick

I knew that site would have em, they have everything.

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Leather Boots & Leather New Yorker N5A Helmet! biggrin.gif

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Leather Pro Warrington boots and a leather New Yorker is the way to go...

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Leather Boots for me are better because you can "feel" better. What I mean by "feel" si that your feet are more sensitive to touch with a softer boot but still have the added protection of a steel toe and sole. For me I can tell which why my foot is seated better while walking compared to a rubber boot.

Helemts, I it I coule wear my old faithful N5A New Yorkte, pre shell helmet I would for interior but my current N5A with Bourkes is the helmet for me. On my second one, retired the first after 10 years of hard work, I'll always wear that. However I do own a Carnes 1010 that I love though I only use it for extrications and hazmats.

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Leather on the top and leather on the bottom.....Leather forverver!!!!

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Not surprisingly, the preference of helmets is mixed, but not the boots. Does anyone out there actually like rubber boots over leather? I would be pretty shocked if there was.

Oh actually, I do love the old rubber thigh boots for pump outs or for pumping the truck in really nasty weather or when the ground is soaked. That's about it though.

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Leather boots is the way to go if u want protection and comfort. Go Leather

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Leather Forever!!

The N5A is definately heavy but it is an awesome helmet.

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If you wear a salty leather helmet and you volly in westchester, no offense guys, but you look like a tool. Also leather offers limited side impact protection. If you are desperate to look like you just stepped out of a room and contents fire in the projects, then go get the Morning Pride Ben II. I think that is what FDNY is wearing right now and I guarantee it offers a lot more protection than your leathers. As for boots, leather is nice if your department buys them for you, but they cost$$$.

Since when is the fireground such a fashion show?

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  Amato122 said:
If you wear a salty leather helmet and you volly in westchester, no offense guys, but you look like a tool. Also leather offers limited side impact protection. If you are desperate to look like you just stepped out of a room and contents fire in the projects, then go get the Morning Pride Ben II. I think that is what FDNY is wearing right now and I guarantee it offers a lot more protection than your leathers. As for boots, leather is nice if your department buys them for you, but they cost$$$.

Since when is the fireground such a fashion show?

So what do you wear and how do you look??????

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  Amato122 said:
If you wear a salty leather helmet and you volly in westchester, no offense guys, but you look like a tool. Also leather offers limited side impact protection. If you are desperate to look like you just stepped out of a room and contents fire in the projects, then go get the Morning Pride Ben II. I think that is what FDNY is wearing right now and I guarantee it offers a lot more protection than your leathers. As for boots, leather is nice if your department buys them for you, but they cost$$$.

Since when is the fireground such a fashion show?

laugh.gif Edited by gss131

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