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Guest MFVFD310810

Mahopac Falls (Putnam)-MVA w/Stat Flight 8-31-06

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Date: 8/31/06

Time: 2036 hrs

Location: IFO 174 Secor Road

Frequency: 46.38 and more.

Units Operating: 19-1-1, 19-2-1, 18-6-1, 18-1-1, 18-1-3, 19-2-3, 19-7-2, Stat-flight air 1, 18-7-2

Description Of Incident: Dispatched to a MVA rollover with possible ejection and rollover. First responders to scene state to launch stat-flight due to pt condition. Determined afterwards negitive ejection. Mahopac's rescue to the scene. Second ambulance to the scene for a possible 2nd pt in the woods (could not locate afterwards). LZ for stat-flight was at MHS with 19-2-3 as ground contact. Stat-flight air one in the air @ aprox 2133 enroute to WMC.

Writer: MFVFD310810

Edited by Truck4

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